
Customer Telia: with a business, which allows they to offer a discount of 70 percent,somethingisclearlynot right

Клиент Telia: с бизнесом, который позволяет предложить скидку в 70 процентов, явно что-то не так

With businesses in which the customer can make a discount of 70 percent, something is clearly wrong, writes journalist Äripäev Eget

Velleste. Contributor Telia. Illustrative

photo. Contributor Telia. Illustrative photo. Photo: Arvo Meeks / Lõuna-Eesti Postimees

With business, in which the customer can make a discount of 70 percent, something is clearly not right, wrote a journalist

Äripäev Eget Velleste.

“I was the dumbass who last time was unresponsive to the changes in Telia service packages and the accompanying prices , and instead of this paid an increased price,” Welleste wrote.

After she decided to leave Telia to a competitor, a Telia employee began offering her discounts, which started with 50 percent.

For more read on the portal Äripäev.

The Telia company, which has been in this week in the center of attention because of a comprehensive change of contracts with customers and connecting them to a faster and more expensive internet, raises prices and prices for mobile service packages. Telia justifies the changes by simplifying its portfolio of services, wrote ERR.

“By doing so we are simplifying our portfolio of services, and some some customers with old old packs can begin to use new mobile packs with more data and support 5G network. This change will not affect all customers, but we will personally inform those affected, ” said Telia Telia Communications Services Manager Evelyn Neeroth.

General Director Tele2 Margus Nylvak discussed the logic of the discounts of telecommunications companies in a large interview Postimees in last year.

Nylvak: For example, if you go to Starbucks, to buy coffee, and on the wall it says, that it costs seven euros, and there are ten people in line, but nobody buys for seven euros. So instead of this you hear how more narrower men buy it for three euros, and other men buy for four.

Few markets behave themselves in a like manner. I understood that Estonia is also a little bit different from other countries in the Baltics or even from Sweden. There are no such individual offerings .

But, of course, every client is important. If a person wants to leave to a competitor, it follows that he has a reason, and we should analyze it. Maybe they have had a bad service experience. Then we need to understand what we can improve.

But aggressive fighting for customers and offering lower prices when returning customers isthereality.Wealsodothis,butweneedtokeep in mindthatifsomeoneisoffered apackageataverylowprice,theotherclientshavetopayforthat.

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