For 2024 year users have left more than 1 billionqueries on Kufar . People’s interests remain relatively constant from year to year year. Belarusians see and buy at the site pieces of men’s and women’s closets, furniture, equipment, automobiles
and parts to them.
The first line of the ranking Top 30 queries is Iphone – this line of smartphones was searched and viewed more than 37 million times. The list can track and trends, which influence the interests of the visitors of Classified. Dress placed on the 2 position with 14 million requests. The query “jacket” was entered 10.5 million times, while suits were searched 7 million times. This could say that conscious consumption of clothing is relevant and supported by Kufar’s visitors.
Read also: What Belorusians were searching on Kufare in 2023 year
The appearance in the Ranking of the USSR with 3 millions of queries could have been influenced by the release of a popular Russian series. A
A apartments rose from 8 place to 2 with 12 million inquiries – on Kufar Real Estate can
be traced to reflect the activity of the market in 2024 year.
If looking at the interest areas, it is evident that they are practically identical across the country.Belarusians from smartphones choose Iphone, and prefer to drive on the Volkswagen, if we are talking about cars with
mileage. As a format of housing everywhere, except in Minsk area, people are more considering apartments. And
in Minsk area leading homes with 68 000 inquiries. There are many offers of both houses, and of cottages near thecapital.
The brands lead Apple c 28 million inquiries. If talking about clothing, Belarusians prefer sporting classics in the Nike and Adidas. Traditionally used popular brands of clothing Zara and H&M. It is noteworthy that in this year in the Top 30 went and the brand of Belarusian designers Zvonko with 134thousandrequests.AManufacturer offurnitureandgoodsforthehomeIkeafrom7placein2023to29.FromautomobilesandpartsBelarusiansarefocusingattentiononEuropeanmanufacturersVolkswagen,Peugeot,Audiandothers.Chinesecarsare notintherating.
Audi, Peugeot,Audi andother.