
Criterion early fertilization of nitrogen intobasket

Kryterium wcześniejszego nawożenia azotem do kosza

The criterion of earlier fertilization of nitrogen is a joke

For the next time the regulations do not succeed in reality. The criterion of earlier fertilization and not succeed in any degree. We have only the second day of February, but we already see problems resulting from interference with regulations there, where they shouldn’t be. A at the same time introducing legislation in agriculture by people, who about agrotechnology have no concept. Already self restricting the terms of application of the note is a little funny joke. As shows the criteria for early fertilization is a continuation of this carousel of laughter.

1 February some counties have obtained permits for application of nit in oziminas. This means that the average temperature daily has exceeded in their threshold of 3 ºC. Azot may be in such arrangement administered in winter crops, on permanent green lands, as also in permanent and multiannual crops. In order to be applied asot under crops jare daily temperature (average) must pass threshold of 5 ºC. 

In this time the situation is such, that the azote can be

applied by farmers in the Lubuskie Province, part of Wielkopolska (especially western counties), most counties of Lublin and Podkarpackie and part of counties

in Western Pomorskie and Kujawsko – Pomorskie. 

In part of the country can already apply azot

in ozimin. Will wait with fertilizers or not?

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In part of the country you can already apply azot in oziminach. Will wait with fertilizers or not?

Equal and equal – criterion of earlier carriage is not fair

Situation is about that -. funny or weird – that in border counties some may apply azot, others do not. I yes note. two neighboring locations in the Dutch province have been divided into equal and more equal. In the village located in the county of trzebnica on Saturday the could apply azot, in a distance of just a few hundred meters of the location in Oleśnica county already not. Visibly in the county of trzebnica was.warmer. Because how other to explain this is whether throwing in the neighboring county hasn’t started it seems. Such issues we have more in the whole country. And plants do not recognize administrative boundaries. Now the situation will be such, that in one county may have been started in February, the other may only 1 March? Because no knows when, when the cooling, the other counties will “shine on yellow. 

The situation is so much more irritating, that it will create a possible disparity. In the next day we are expecting the mentioned cooling, a that means, that on the map there will be few counties marked “in yellow” (i.e. those, where the note in ozymes may be reported). There may be some other counties with appropriate permission will not come for a few or some next days. Thus there is so that nobody

can enter in the field. Yesterday I was working in a weaker state (no, I didn’t give a nit, because my

county is apparently too cool). If there were such need, with no problem it would be possible to

take a lighter site. On heavier lands yes, it is wet. But night negative temperatures, which will appear, will in the next days allow entry – there where note can be fed. 

Saletrosan, saletra or urea? Each form of nitrogen works at different time

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Saletrosan, saletra or urea? Each form of nitrogen works at different time

Delayed dose of nitrogen in last years has affected planting

Someone says: but in what problem, we have only beginning of February. It is still winter. And obviously agree. But that does come to that, that we have to give the whole dose of nit already now, in no case. But thistle has already reintroduced vegetation, also there, where the permit for nit doesn’t have. Plant signals already, that the dose N is necessary. In last years, since restrictions have been imposed related to terms of application, the delayed application has been one of themajor causes of reduction of platoon. Of course it was not the only cause, but every year one of the most important. 

The provision into the basket

The methodology by which is introduced is the so-called permit to apply nitrogen does not respond to the real needs of plants. What more – restrictions related to application N have been introduced over years, when vegetation is most often reintroduced quicker, and at the same time in many seasons for a large part of the winter lasts the so-called crawl. crawling vegetation. In this year it may be a new huge problem, which will limit the production capacities in Poland. And if we add to this small pool of active substances, appearing practically every year dry, then the problem turns to very large ranges. 

In this moment there may still benefit (depending on the region) the water supply. In addition to this asot needs time, it must be dissolved and moved into the root zone. It doesn’t work right after the spreader is

from the plantation. Even if winter were to return, that though a small dose would revive the plant and

protect in N – this more, that we don’t know and when we will enter


The criterionofearlierfertilizationofnitrogenisnecessary,becauseinthisareathereshouldberigidlimitationsonstartingfertilizationofnitrogen.Theplantmustgetnitrogenattheappropriatetime,withsureprecedence,andnotwhenthisisallowedbytherule.Appealedtothattheworldofscience,everyyearalsowerevertattentiontothisproblem.Onlywhowillheedthat,thattheruleisuseless,unnecessaryandpotentiallypresentsariskofdecliningplanting?





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