The number of applications for closing one person business declined in last year by 4.8% in comparison with 2023 . As experts say, this does not mean uniquely better conditions for business. There is no shortage of opinions, that the most difficult situation prevails in small retail and gastronomy. From the count of applications for suspension JDG has increased in this period by 0.9% year. Scientists of the topic are also noting that if the government does not accelerate reforms for this type of firms, this year may be worse for them than the previous year. Entrepreneurs still struggle with a series of
problems, which could be solved quite quickly.
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As follows from data made available by the Ministry of Development and Technology (MRiT), in 2024 year to register CEIDG there were 188.8 thousands. applications for completion of one-person business (JDG). This is 4.8% less than in 2023 year, when such cases were recorded 198.4 thousands. In the assessment of Lukasz Goszczynski from the law office of GKPG, the number may be impressive, but in total turnover this is quite significant quantity. We must also remember that in the economy there is a large rotation. Some businesses are closing, and others are opening. And this in a new way is balancing.
– The decrease rdr. in number of applications does not uniquely indicate better conditions for running JDG. In 2024 the year continued to face high labor and energy costs, which has especially affected branches with low margins. Inflation, though lower than in 2023 year, remained a stabilizing factor, impacting the buying power of consumers and decreasing the profitability of many enterprises. In addition, in ub. the number of restructuring proceedings increased, which indicates the growing awareness of entrepreneurs in the available legal tools – says Grzegorz Kostrzewa from the restructuring law firm ProPrawni.
As states Marius.Zielonka, chief economist of Confederation Lewiatan, in the last year not much happened legislatively, which could cause major modifications. Results +/- 5% are a consequence of natural changes occurring in the economy. According to experts, looking at the teen trends among entrepreneurs, in JDG still the most difficult situation prevails on the side of retail trade. This is mainly due to increasing costs of operating and the inability to increase prices without consequences losing customers. Additionally in this industry there is a quite sizable fluctuation.
– The retail trade has for some time been marked by some type stagnation. Mainly this is resulting from the fact that small companies are competing with large, often international entities, which have a stronger position. And this results in that small sellers have to reduce their activities – says legal advisor and restructuring Adrian Parol.
Data resort shows also, how how many applications for completion of one-person business activities were in individual provinces. The breakdown opens Mazovian – 24.5 thousands (in 2023 year – 25.6 thousands). Further we see Silesian – 15.4 thousands. (year earlier – 17.1 tys.), large – 14.4 tys. (15.4 tys.), Malopolska – 13 tys. (13.8 tys.), a also Dolnośląskie – 11.7 tys. (13.1 tys.). From the college at the end of the Poland war – 3 tys. (3.4 tys.), Podlaskie – 3.8 tys. (4.1 tys.) and Swiętokrzyskie – 4.1 tys. (4.8 tys.). However the most applications are submitted by companies without the reported place of activity – 40.2 thousand (previously – 36.3 thousand).
– Mazovian, Silesian and Greater dominate in the number of applications for JDG, which results from concentration of enterprises in these regions. Larger markets, though attractive, are also more competitive, which may lead to increased rotation among firms. The increase in number of applications submitted by firms without defined location of activity may result from increasing number of enterprises operating in remote model – comments Gorz Kostrzewa.
From data report it also shows that in 2024 year there were 375.7 thousand applications for suspension of one-person activity business. This is about 0.9% more than in 2023 year, when such cases were 372.5 thousand. In the opinion of Mariusz Zielonka, baseCEIDG is imperfect and every application for suspension is personally counted. Supposing that therefore, that someone has run in the last year JDG and has suspended them for 4 times, that there will be 4 requests of this range. According to the head economist of Confederation Lewiatan, the suspensions are at least an authoritative thing in this base.
– An increase in the number of applications by 0.9% rd. I perceive as increasing uncertainty among microentrepreneurs. Suspension of activity is often treated as a waiting for difficult market conditions, e.g. decline in demand or liquidity problems. Entrepreneurs most often decide on this period from six to twelve months. In 2025 year it can be expected to shorten this time, especially in industries, which are adapting quickly to changes, such as services IT and e-commerce. From but the catering or construction sector may require a longer period of stabilization – assesses Gorz Kostrzewa.
To this expert from the chancellery GKPG considers, that the data on the suspicion should not surprise, and this more should not concern. Before there are many this type of companies, especially the smallest ones, they operate seasonally. Outside of this suspension is often practiced after this, in order to survive slightly worse times, and also to exclude in this range current public obligations, for example. against SUS.
– Most influence on changes in base JDG has the law. By considering that, what happened on the introduction of both versions of the Polish Law, you see as on the hands, that is setting, suspension, closing of firms is an element of flexibility of our economy and shows the possible scale of adjustment. In 2025 year the health contribution changes, but it is not a revolutionary movement. Rather we will maintain this same stable level of change – Mariusz Zielonka argues.
From the future according to Gorz Kostrzewa, decreasing inflation and stabilization of the economy may reduce the number of closed firms. At the same time the difficulties in adapting to higher costs, for example. charges for gas or increasing the minimum national cost, may be difficult to pass for many entrepreneurs. As experts forecast, the most requests for closing and suspension can be expected in gastronomy, trade retail and transportation services.
– In my assessment, the data of 2024 year may not repeatthisyear.Muchwilldepend on.Fromthat,howthegovernorswillapproachthetopicofeventualchangesintheregulations,includingobviouslytheissuesoffacilitationforthtypeoffirms.Fornowthisdoesn’tseemtooimpressive.Entrepreneursarestrugglingwithaseriesofproblems,whichstillarenotsettled.AAsomepartofthesecouldreallybesettledquickly.On the other handifnothingischangedinthismatter,thenthoseclosurescouldobviouslybemore,especiallyifthereisasmalltrade,gastronomyandsimilarprofessions-summarizesAdrianParol.