![Kreditinių kortelių įsipareigojimų nevykdymas JAV didžiausias nuo 2010 metų (traders.lt)](https://naujienos.pricer.lt/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/americanexpress.jpg)
Credit card defaults in America have reached the highest level since 2010 . In the first nine months of 2024 years the lenders were writing off at $46 billion .
Credit card defaults in the United States reached the highest level since the financial crisis in the year 2008 ,
Credit card balances increased strongly in 2022 and 2023 years and in all to 270 billion . dollars, and in 2023 years mid the general U.S. consumer credit credit cards school crossed the first time the credit credit card to trillion dollars.
These costs along with the coronavirus caused clippages in the supply chain , has significantly increased inflation, resulting in the US Central Bank increasing borrowing expenses from 2022 . This has consumedaportionofthecashsurplusforconsumersparticularlythosewithlowrevenues,