Leader, professor, farmer
28 January 2025 year, the media got the announcement of the candidacy of prof. Jim Mazurkiewicz to the office of ambassador to the United States in Poland. Reporters RMF FM reported, that Mazurkiewicz has a high chance of taking the position and “is on the top list of candidates.” Today, 29 January, Polskie Radio informed, that Prof. Mazurkiewicz in a conversation with the editorial confirmed his candidacy for the ambassadorship, but he admitted, that official determinations have not yet and he doesn’t know, whether he will take the office.
Who is prof. Jim Mazurkiewicz? Of Prof. Jim Mazurkiewicz’s social, Polonia, scientific activities may be written long. Prof. Jim Mazurkiewicz was born on September 17 1955 . in Houston in Texas as the descendant of Polish immigrants from Wielkopolska in the fifth generation. Graduated from Texas A&M University with education in agriculture and zootechnics and took job as lecturer at this university. In 1995 he gained the title PhD (Ph.D.) of zootechnical sciences.
Prof. Jim Mazurkiewicz conducts active educational, advisory and dissemination activities for development of agriculture and breeding. Co-creates and coordinates a number of programs and initiatives, such as. Texas Agricultural Lifetime Leadership Program (TALL) or Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. Many young farmers and students of agriculture in Poland are known as the co-organizer (along with the Poland Association of Grain Producers) of the exchange program for young farmers from Poland and
Texas: Poland-Texas Young Farmer Exchange Program.
Prof. Jim Mazurkiewicz also runs a family ranch at his family Bryan,
which specializes in raising and breeding cattle of the Charolaise breed.
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Cowboy with Polish soul
Prof. Jim Mazurkiewicz himself about him self says, that he is “a Polish Texan.” In a unique way he combines in his love for the United States and Texas with his mum from Polish roots. He very well uses his his business.language Polish, plays and sings folk melodies, excellent knows the history of Poland. In Texas cultivates Polish traditions, taking participation in many events.among others in parish harvest festivals, caroling, and even… competitions in cooking the best soup chernina. The Mazurkiewicz house in Bryan is filled with Polish accented and has become one of the important points on Polonia’s map.
Prof. Jim Mazurkiewicz has been active for many years in working to strengthen the ties between Poland and the United States. Creates including the Council of Poland Americans in Texas and the Poland Commercial Bureau in Texas. Continuously attempts to new opportunities for cooperation on multiple levels between two countries – has contributed to the new market, among others. to the establishment
of cooperation between Texas and Poland the signing of the first sale of liquefied gas to Poland
(LNG) in 2017 .
For its activity prof. Jim Mazurkiewicz has been recommended multiple times both in
the US, and in Poland: he received the Cross among others. Cavalier Crown Order of Service to the
Republic of Poland, Honorary Badge “Meritorious for Agriculture”, title doctor honoris causa of the Head School ofRural ManagementinWarsaw.