
Court rejected the complaint of environmentalists: the Enefit Enefit Power oilplantcomplieswithall regulations

Суд отклонил жалобу экологов: завод масел Enefit Power соответствует всем нормам

The Tallinn Administrative Court rejected the appeal of the environmental organization Fridays For Future Eesti (NGO Loodusvõlu) against the decision of the Department Environment to issue a comprehensive permit for the Enefit Power AS oil plant. The Court decided that this permit complies with all legal regulations and the long-term climatic objectives of Estonia, writes RusERR.The youth environmental movement Fridays for Future Eesti, which turned to the court, said, that they assessed that the startup of the enterprise would seriously delay the fulfillment of international climate obligations. But it
is assessed by the Court, that the comprehensive permit contains sufficiently restrictive conditions to ensure the environmental operation of the plant. In accordance with the requirements the plant located in Auwer under Narva, will
be implementing important measures, such as carbon capture and environmental use of shale gas by 2031, which should significantly reduce its impact on the climate. Estonia as a whole is moving to a low-carbon economy, and emissions of steam gas have already reduced by approximately 60 %, which is twice
twice faster than the European Union average. The Court has concluded that the construction of the oil plant will not change this course and
will not impede the achievement of Estonia’s climatic objectives. The Court emphasized that no international agreement or legal act of the European Union directly prohibits the construction of the plant or the issuance of apermit for its operation. The Court
indicated that the comprehensive permit is issued for 10
years-until31December2034.If theplantintendstocontinueoperatingafterthisdate,itwillberequiredtoreceiveanew permit.permitin accordancewiththelegalrulesin effectatthattime.TheCourt’sdecisionhasnotbecomeenforceable.

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