ESG has become a key element of corporate strategies. More and more companies are recognizing, that strong commitment to sustainable development is no longer just an option, but a necessity in the context of maintaining competitiveness in
the market and building long-term profitability.
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President signed the law ws. wider reporting ESG
Sustainable development and environmental responsibility are today the biggest priorities for 35% of companies. Although including in the study the opinion of directors of ds. sustainable development and heads of ESG undoubtedly affected the results, the data reflects a deeper change in corporate values, which is driven by increasing regulatory pressure, the demands of consumers and social expectations.
It is worth noting, that the importance of ESG differs in dependence on the country. Firms from Great Britain and Italy in over 50% of cases indicate sustainable development as a key priority. This results from the proactive approach of the markets and active public debate on climate change.
In Poland sustainable development is not yet perceived as a key priority by most companies. Only about 25% of enterprises treat it as an essential element of their strategy, which may testify that this theme is still in the development phase. In the magnitude of growing awareness and pressure on sustainable development, Polish companies will confirm and focus more on this area.
– In developed markets, such as Germany or France, consumers consciously choose environmental solutions, perceiving their value in the long-term context. Sustainable development gradually is stopping being only trend and becoming a key element of business strategies. Global companies and frequently make ambitious commitments to carbon neutrality, and also implement advanced technologies digital and solutions based on renewable energy sources , to meet the expectations of investors and customers. They see, that.Sustainable development opens the opportunities for growth and improved competitiveness, and also increases business resilience in the changing world.
In Poland, although awareness is gradually growing, still the main motor of transformation is the necessity of submission to European regulations. The emerging slowly expectations of customers in the ESG are for the Polish entrepreneur still little perceptible. The dominant approach is oriented to costs and the conception, that we cannot transform. This reflects the stage of market development, but at the same time leaves space for change in the future. More and more companies understand, that digitization and electrification are not only tools of transformation, but also the foundation of competitiveness and resilience. Independent of motivation, sustainable development is no longer a declaration, it becomes a strategy for building a market advantage and responsibility to the environment. The Polish market is entering the path of maturity in this area – Jacek Lukaszewski estimates, President Schneider Electric for the Central and Eastern Europe area, quoted in the report “International Barometer ESG 2025” by Ayming Poland.
Analysis of industry results indicates, that that behind the other sectors is the financial sector. Only 19% of respondents representing this industry indicate sustainable development as a priority, in comparison to 49% in the manufacturing sector and in the 37% and 35% in the technology and food industries, respectively. This difference is resulting from different industry dynamics, and also the specific activity of the financial sector focusing in a large meter on two pillars: profitability and risk management. The results are not surprising, but with the growing role of ESG as an investment criterion and customer expectations, the financial sector will have to adapt faster to new realities.
– Note the data on implementation ESG in individual industries. The highest revenue (49% of implementations) was reported in the production sector. Responsible for a essential part of the economy, measuring the challenges, such as high energy and providing access to necessary in production of raw materials. Transformation to sustainable development means the necessity of huge costs for investment in new, low-carbon technologies and solutions. Thought strategy ESG enables one entity from the production industry to improve its efficiency energy, which proves the energy efficiency.savings and builds a market advantage.
Surveyed firms also indicate barriers, the main are the costs of transformation. 67% of firms face financial constraints in initiatives ESG, with 22% thinking that these constraints are important. Cost pressure is especially difficult in Germany (32%). Businesses primarily seek opportunity in technology and innovation. Automation of processes and effective management of data can significantlyreducecostsofimplementingESG.
“InternationalBarometerESG”isasourceofinformationinassessingreadinessandchallengesESGinEurope.AlthoughcompanieshavealreadydonemuchinimplementingESG,therestillisaneedtointegratestrategiesforsustainabledevelopmentwithdailyoperationalactivities.Thekeychallengeremainsbeforeallfinancial capabilities,whichoftendeterminethe abilityofenterprisestosustainabletransformation-commentinthereportJoannaDargiewicz-RożekandMartaBiernacka-Miernik,membersofthePolishAssociationESG.