
Cooper: a third of Russians use delivery services on their wedding day

«Купер»: треть россиян пользуется сервисами доставки в день свадьбы

The delivery service from stores and restaurants "Cooper" and the online research company "OnIn" conducted a survey among Russians and found out how wedding celebrations take place in different regions of the country.

Demiantseva Olha/Shutterstock/Fotodom

Demiantseva Olha/Shutterstock/Fotodom

More than 2,200 respondents were surveyed. It turned out that every second couple (52%) had a wedding in the format of painting and dinner, 35% had a wedding and a banquet with a large number of invited guests, and 13% had a wedding without a festive feast. The last option was most often noted by newlyweds aged 25 to 34 years.

Couples are especially careful when choosing a site. The majority of respondents (44%) preferred a restaurant when choosing a place to celebrate a wedding. 24% of survey participants celebrated the occasion in a banquet hall, 16% at home, 11% in a country house or hotel. Most often, residents of the Southern Federal District celebrate in a restaurant (57%), residents of the Volga region rent banquet halls (39%), and couples rent country hotels in the Central District (11%).

When ordering food, 32% of Russians used delivery services on their wedding day, and 20% set the festive table with dishes from restaurants. During preparation for registration, more than half of respondents (57%) used online services to order a snack, and 47% purchased additional dishes for the buffet table. Also, a third of respondents ordered the delivery of flowers and decorations, 19% – gifts for guests, 13% – cosmetics, 5% – medicines.

Almost half of Russians (47%) chose traditional national dishes for the banquet. This option was most often noted by residents of the Volga and Southern districts. 21% of respondents added a children's menu, 19% preferred foreign cuisine. At festive feasts in the North Caucasus District, halal dishes are present more often than in other regions.

Almost no wedding is complete without a cake. On the day of the celebration, it was present in 88% of couples. More than half of the respondents also chose candies and tartlets among sweets, and a third of respondents chose eclairs and ice cream.

Most Russians celebrate their wedding celebrations for no more than two days. For only 10% of married couples, the holiday lasted three days. This was mainly the answer given by residents of the Siberian District.

“The ABC of Taste” appeared in “Cooper”

Cooper has connected the Aromatny Mir chain of stores

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