The delivery service from stores and restaurants "Cooper" and the online research company "OnIn" conducted a survey among Russians and found out how wedding celebrations take place in different regions of the country.
Demiantseva Olha/Shutterstock/Fotodom
More than 2,200 respondents were surveyed. It turned out that every second couple (52%) had a wedding in the format of painting and dinner, 35% had a wedding and a banquet with a large number of invited guests, and 13% had a wedding without a festive feast. The last option was most often noted by newlyweds aged 25 to 34 years.
Couples are especially careful when choosing a site. The majority of respondents (44%) preferred a restaurant when choosing a place to celebrate a wedding. 24% of survey participants celebrated the occasion in a banquet hall, 16% at home, 11% in a country house or hotel. Most often, residents of the Southern Federal District celebrate in a restaurant (57%), residents of the Volga region rent banquet halls (39%), and couples rent country hotels in the Central District (11%).
When ordering food, 32% of Russians used delivery services on their wedding day, and 20% set the festive table with dishes from restaurants. During preparation for registration, more than half of respondents (57%) used online services to order a snack, and 47% purchased additional dishes for the buffet table. Also, a third of respondents ordered the delivery of flowers and decorations, 19% – gifts for guests, 13% – cosmetics, 5% – medicines.
Almost half of Russians (47%) chose traditional national dishes for the banquet. This option was most often noted by residents of the Volga and Southern districts. 21% of respondents added a children's menu, 19% preferred foreign cuisine. At festive feasts in the North Caucasus District, halal dishes are present more often than in other regions.
Almost no wedding is complete without a cake. On the day of the celebration, it was present in 88% of couples. More than half of the respondents also chose candies and tartlets among sweets, and a third of respondents chose eclairs and ice cream.
Most Russians celebrate their wedding celebrations for no more than two days. For only 10% of married couples, the holiday lasted three days. This was mainly the answer given by residents of the Siberian District.
“The ABC of Taste” appeared in “Cooper”