
Controversial feed will return to happiness? EU has said yes, now it’s timeforGreatBritain.

Kontrowersyjna pasza wróci do łask? UE powiedziała tak, teraz czas na Wielką Brytanię

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This country is only in this matter only at the beginning of the way. Currently this idea is being consulted by the community in Scotland. Similar consultations are also being launched in England and Wales,


only at the end of this year.


Veterans are on yes, but….

According to gazette Guardian British Veterinary Association in a statement requested for Scottish consultations stated, that it supports the lifting of the ban, taking into consideration the low risk of explosion epidemic BSE.

However, he expresses one concern “about the risk to animal health, which is posed by other potential pathogens, such as African disease of pigs, classical disease of pigs or epidemic diarrhea virus of pigs.”

“We have concerns about risks to animal health and public health resulting from import protein of animal origin or products made from imported meat, considering the risk of less

effective control over input materials and the ability to ensure quality and safety in the country of origin.” – added.

Poland introduces annually about  2.5

million tons of soybean meal, spending on that 5-7 billion yearly, phot. Shutterstock

Read more Application feeds GMO extended until 1 January 2030 year. President signed new law

What is PAP?

The cross feeding of processed animal protein the European Union has agreed to in 2021 year. Today it is permissible to use proteins of pork origin in feeding poultry and proteins of poultry in feeding pigs. The history of the introduction ban of the use of this type of feed dates to the late 90s, when this common at then meal-meat were blamed (until today it is unknown whether justifiably) for epidemic gastrointestinal gout.encephalopathy brain (so-called crazy cow disease), which has costed in Europe the lives of nearly 200 people.

What is important – proteins of animal origin allowed for use in feeds for water and poultry are produced with attention to highest hygienic standards. They are derived from healthy animals and are produced with elements not useful to humans. In any time there are those feeds produced from carcasses, or animals of questionable health status.

Processed animal proteins have higher nutritional value than their plant equivalents – they have one better amino acid balance and higher

digestibility protein, though add there is that because of the high price as on and in food for livestock their use is marginal. The raw material

this largely is frequently taken into

food for human animals.





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