Rabies is a deadly disease for humans and animals, and unfortunately Poland is not a country free from this disease, therefore in order to protect public health it is necessary to vaccinate free foxes living against rabies. Free living foxes form the reservoir of this disease in Poland.
The proposal for approval is a draft regulation by the Minister of Agriculture and Redevelopment of the implementation of the rabies eradication program for the years 2025-2027 is a continuation of the rabies eradication program conducted from 2007 . and does not impose new obligations on subjects. The purpose of the program is to protect public health by controlling and fighting rabies.
As follows from the annex to the submitted project ordinance, in 2022 year. there have been 39 cases of rabies in animals, in this 36 cases in animals other than bats. The occurrence of rabies in animals other than bats was confirmed in two provinces: Lublin, Mazovian and Swietokrzyskie. In 2023 year. note there were 11 cases of animals, including 7 cases of animals other than bats (6 foxes and 1 dog). An outbreak of rabies in animals other than bats has been confirmed in the Podkarpackie province.
The Program for fighting rabies for the years 2025-2027 has in accordance
with the applicable legal regulations agreed with the European Commission and approved by it in technical terms.
Financing of the program
will be from budgetary funds; the program is also cofinanced with funds from the European Union.
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This is already 33. focus of rabies. And unfortunately another case of diseaseucows