
Construction market participants overview (

Statybų rinkos dalyvių apžvalga (

The construction sector is an important part of the economy and the volume of it can be referred to the existing in the country and its economy. We have also or otherwise without any doubts all factually faced them. This time we are focussing on the market of states and the the overview.

In this review we have highlighted six companies, i.e. Panevėžys Constructions trust (PST), Merko Ehitus, Nordecon, Skanska, Budimex and Erbud.

Trump companies

Panevėžys StructuralStructural Trust (PST) is a Lithuanian Structural
companies, which has been operating in the construction sector since 1957 . The company provides design, general and specialised construction works and project management services. Principal activities are industrial, commercial, public and residential construction of objects, development of outdoor engineering networks , landscaping , renewal of architectural pavilion posts .

Merko Ehitus is a leading construction company group in the Baltic countries, offering complex construction and real asset development solutions in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Norway. Offers a wide range of construction services along with design services in all core areas: building construction (hotels, retail and logistics centres, office and manufacturing premises), civil engineering (viaducts, bridges, swathes, power energy).png” alt=””>

Nordecon is a group of construction companies whose main activities are construction project management and general operation within the construction and infrastructure segment. Building segment activities include commercial, industrial, community and residential buildings.The Infrastructure segment includes road construction and maintenance, specialised (including hydraulic) engineering, environmental engineering and water and wastewater network construction. Geographically the Group operates in Estonia, Ukraine and Sweden.The Group’s parent company is in Talin, Estonia, registered and in the Nordecon US. The Group currently employs about 430 people.

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Skanska is one of the world s leading government and projectsIt develops properties and structures in the North Countries region , North America and elsewhere. Company uses its skills and experience in the construction of highways, bridges, roads, houses and logistics centres. Scandinavia operates in business segments: construction (the major portion of total revenue), residential development , commercial real asset development.Projects range from ordinary to very technical and are driven by urbanisation in the regions indicated. The most projects are received from Europe.

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Budimex is one of the largest construction companies in Lenmark. It operates as the general contractor in the road , railway and air street infrastructure sectors, as well as building construction in building , power energy industrial and ecological construction in sectors.The Group expands its activities in construction management (real asset and infrastructure management and waste management areas. It implements projects in Poland and foreign markets, including Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Latvia. The Budimex strategic investor is the Spanish firm Ferrovial.

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Erbud is one of the leading Lenakia’s construction groups. Business includes general contracting work in the segments: building construction, road engineering, industrial construction and energy sector and services. Also the company implements projects in the renewable energy sources and wooden modular construction sectors.The Group operates in the Poland Region and other countries of the European Union including Germany.

Santykinių finansinių rodiklių apžvalga ir analizė

Atlikdami santykinių finansinių rodiklių apžvalgą ir analizę mes orientavomės į laikotarpį tarp 2015 metų ir 2024 metų trijų ketvirčių (Panevėžio statybos tresto (PST) atveju pirmasis pusmetis), t.This is to say, specifically to the annual performance financial results. As and usual for the Financial indicators were calculated for different experiences, that the construction

companies selected in

this case could be more comparable and more objectively comparable and more makefindings. We emphasize that all data are derived from the official financial reports provided by the companies.

We are starting this overview from the EBITDA Performance Index. During the analysed period, i.e. since 2015 the most margin of the state in the figure with graphs, generated by the company from Poland Budimex and the estate construction representative Merko Ehitus.

Among all the six companies considered the EBITDA has the lowest profitability,

which was never

negative in all years was recorded by the Lithuanian Structure Trust of Panevėžys Structure (PST). The most common mining indicator in the middle while, which has increased since 2015 was most often the Poland building company Erbud EBITDA margin.

For your attention we have calculated and an other indicator of asperity , i.e. ROA or content return.The general average of this indicator has not fluctuated significantly over the entire period but has increased

mostly in the Canadian

ROA yearly data.

As seen in the picture with graphs, the largest annual returns of assets in almost the entire period analysed were generated by the Estonian state generations Merko Ehitus and our neighbouring country representative Budimex, t.y. as and EBITDA in the Marzian region.

As usual we look at what the structure of the assets of the construction companies under analysis. Over the entire period of our review the Poland Budimex company’s share of commitments in its asset structure has always been the most highest. minimum relative financial indicator the largest, was our country representative of the Panevėžys Construction trust (PST), the court, since 2019 , the part of Merko Ehitus commitments has been

the most quiet

among the all configured construction communities.

Of the seven most common medium, which in 2015 was 0.63, of which after three 2024 years quarterly have a value of 0.68, there have been two communities , t.y.The financial indicator of the company and the asset of the . But only their cases it has declined over the period under analysis and the contribution of liabilities to the assets structure.

General liquidity

– is a

financial relative indicator which indicates the relationship of short term assets to continuing liabilities . As obviously seen from the picture with diagrams, actually over the entire period analysed in this review the most important indicator has already been mentioned by the Merko Ehitus.

The lowest overall liquidity during the period 2015 – 2024 years was recorded by the another Estonian representative of

Nordecon as well as

the Poland construction giant Budimex. The general average of this indicator has declined slightly over the period.

alt=””> Speaking about the one single relative financial indicator , t.The two statutory companies within the period analysed in this review have the highest two statutory companies, i.e. Nordecon and Erbud. Where the overall average of their construction has changed little.

While as represented in the picture with diagrams,The

most and most

two construction companies have excluded the most and two construction companies of the most the asset by 2015 .The two most important construction projects in the EU were the two largest, i.e. the Land Budimex and the Aestrian Merko Ehitus.

In this review the revenue from activities and revenue in the revenue and revenue in the financial indicator has been calculated, which indicates what proportion of revenue is accounted for by the cash flows from operations.It is worth noting that all the six statutory companies have been that for one year at all the thinking indicator has been negative.

However, for the most reported the most high revenue from activities and revenue as a relative financial index were the Poland builder Budimex and not the est Merko Ehitus.

Does one percentage of indicators which we provide to – that is the payout of the dividend. Of course, we provide and a table with the five most recent financial and relevant indicators of the analyzed enterprises in the relevant markets in relative values , etc.y. P/E, P/BV, P/S, EV/EBITDA and dividend yield (Div.y%)

As we can see, at least this year the lowest performers are the representative of our country Panevėžys Struction trust (PST), as well as the estates of Merko Ehitus,It is true that in the first year of the first first case no dividend paid and the dividend profitability indicator of the first company is one of the highest.

At least some of the six companies in the review found the share, there is nothing observed if the general median of action costs is denied. The Erbud and the market value of the construction trust (PST) in Panevėžys have the most appreciated. During 2024 years the securities of four construction companies were selling (mainly Merko Ehitus), the pig of two (mainly Budimex), without this, so was also and in the about 2023 years , it is true that the general average of stock price changes has been much more positive and of the most that this has not been the In terms of the average period (3 – 5 years), the absolutely the largest return has excluded the Budimex stock, and how far behind the Merko Ehitus Equity Securities . Another value even of three building communities, i.e. The Construction Trust (PST), Nordecon and Skanska markets have valued over the last three and five years, but despite this action the averages of the crops have been positive. Then over the last ten and fifteen years at the leap of market value the the companies have been leading in the market the the themselves, i.e. Budimex and Merko Ehitus, but also in the Panevėžys Construction Trust (PST),Both Nordecon’s share returns are negative. As regards the long period average return of all the six companies reviewed, it is positive and over ten years it is more than one hundred percent while over fifteen years it is even nearly three hundred percent .


The share price of thePanevėžysconstructiontrust(PST) remainsinanotherlongtermfallingchannel,Havingremainedaformerlyformedbottominthelastyeartheistryingtoestablishanewgrowthphase.In thenextmonthsit will become clearwhetherthisisanextremephenomenon.

MerkoEhitus stockpriceupnowforthefourthmonthinarowaswellascontinuouslyshootsupitsrecentprecordantprice.There are no signs of aendtothistrendinthisyear.




After aperiodofgrowthandachievinganalltimerecordpricelevel,theBudimexsharefrom thelastyearsummerexperienceisinthecreationphase.True, however, that afterreaching theFibo38.2percentlevel in thelastmonthoflastyearwe have experiencedaspecificconsolidation.




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