The receiver Rafako S.A. with premises in Raciborz has received the statement of Cezary Klimont, vice-president of the board, about his resignation from the function of vice president and from membership in the board as of 10 January 2025 year.
Rafako in bankruptcy
The Regional Court in Gliwice issued a decree of declaring
bankruptcy Rafako in December 2024 year. Syndicator was Wojciech Zymek.
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Trade in lead fallen. 436 companies didn’t survive
The Management of Rafako company filed a declaration of bankruptcy on September ub. Rafako pointed to the absence of agreement with key creditors on detailed rules for conversion of the company’s liabilities in increased capital or alternative scenario for further restructuring of the company’s liabilities, which would allow reduction of debt. This, according to the company, could allow the company to recover the ability to obtain external financing to implement future orders.
Rafako is a stock company, listed on GPW, most of the shares according to information from the government – to bondholders of the failed PBG company. It is a contractorofpowerblocksandamanufacturerofequipmentforthepower industry.The companyisoneofthelargestemployersintheregion,which-asinformed-employsless than700people.