
Commissioner Hansen has a plan for European agriculture. But the revolutionwillnotbetheywillbe.

Komisarz Hansen ma plan dla europejskiego rolnictwa. Ale rewolucji nie będzie

The new EU Commissioner for agriculture appeared at the EU stand during International Green Week in Berlin, to promote EU activities for the agriculture sector. During the press conference he also made some declarations about his work in the European Commission, as and further agricultural EU policy.

Plan for 100 days: Vision of future agricultural policy EU

Hansen announced in Berlin among others, that in the first 100 days of his cadency will develop a vision of future agricultural policy EU – we read in Agrarheute. This strategy is to concentrate on maintaining the competitiveness of European agriculture, sustainable development and reconciling economic activity with the good of the planet.

The Commissioner stated, that he would further develop the Common Agricultural Policy, but should support it especially smaller farms and promote positive environmental and social impacts.

-Abut there should be no “revolution Copernican” – assured the one commissioner for. agriculture.

What new WPR, what budget for agriculture?

The vision of a new WPR, which has been outlined by Commissioner Hansen, overlaps with in the major stance of the outgoing German Federal Green and Red. While – diplomatically – Hansen has made clear declarations on the question of going federal payments, he has option for this, to provide farmers with new sources of revenue in payments for environmental services and carbon farming. 

Farmers should receive additional money for additional services – stated at the press conference Hansen.

The commissioner stated at the same time, that “farmers are unfairly presented in bad light.” then they are the first victims of climate change and “the best allies” in the fight against global warming. Therefore they need to support in activities for climate.

Hansen is far from recognizing, that member states would be ready to contribute more to the common pool for agriculture, which would allow adjust the budget to the

needs and new challenges of European agriculture.

I am skeptical about this – admitted the commissioner for agriculture. But I promise, that I will

work on a strong budget.

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Less bureaucracy

Hansen emphasized multiple times during the speech, that farmers need to relieve of bureaucratic obligations and

expressed confidence, he said: “In this year we will achieve progress.”

As stated, “the farming profession needs today stability, sufficient

resources and less bureaucracy. There needs to reduce the paperwork – Hansen admitted.

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Competitiveness and protection market

Hansen -. How is resulting from the appearance at Grüne Woche -. would also want to strengthen the position of farmers in the chain of food values and provide their improved protection against unfair trade practices.

Relating to objections on trade agreements concluded by the EU (e.g. with block Mercosur) stated, that farmers on trade should also benefit. He admitted however, that it is difficult to explain, why in the EU forbidden measures to protect plants, which in the same time are applied by other countries, and the EU buys from their products, which have been affected by these measures.

We need to work on the competitiveness of our farmers – Christophe Hansen said.

The commissioner also admitted that he sees the need for protective

actions for the EU market, such as in the war in Ukraine, as and trade disputes with China and the second term of Donald

Trump in the United States.

We must think about how we can better protect theour agricultural economy before the geopolitical shocks – confessed Hansen.

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Decline in livestock in EU

During the press conference Hansen was asked , whether the EU strategy also includes further reduction of animal stock in the Union. Commissioner for. Agriculture stated, that the trend of

declining animal heads is actually occurring across the EU , but the KE does not intend to accelerate this trend “politically”.

He also noted

also, that in some countries the situation looks dramatic on this issue. For example in Cyprus the population of animals has already

declined by almost 60 percent. This is why this topic must be approached carefully.

Commissioner Hansen

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Commissioner Hansen waits on-checkers to work in the European Council ds.

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Mercosur,Ukraine,budgetWPRandthreeindicationsforHansen,newCommissioner of Agriculture.

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