In major Russian cities, including Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, the number of offline pet stores in 2024 year decreased approximately by 7-12.5%, write “Kommersant” with reference to data of “Yandex Maps” service.
FabrikaSimf/ Shutterstock/ Fotodom
By early January 2025 year the most notable decrease in the number of the offline of all large pets;of all large Russian cities registered in Moscow – by 12,5% year to year, to 901 objects, Saint-Petersburg – by 9,5%, to 894, Krasnodar – by 6,9%, to 229. The In At the same time the demand for pet products is not decreasing, judging by calculations of the fiscal data operator “Platform OFD”: by end 2024 year turnover in offline-retail increased by 13% by compared with the same period 2023 year, the number of transactions – by 2%. Average check, according to data of the company, for this time increased by 11%, to 2,9 thousand rubles, which is quite explainable on background high inflation in the country, which was by results of last year 9.5% year to year. Growth in sales of zootech is also The growth of sales of zootovarovy on marketplaces has become one of the reasons for the decrease in the number of specialized stores in offline, Kirill Dmitriev, president of the National Association of Zooindustry Kirill Dmitriev, said. But in the Association of Internet companies insist that zootovary by amount of purchases on the Internet occupy only 1.5% of total volume. According to AKIT , in January-November 2024 year Russian customers spent on purchaseof suchproductsin onlinecumulatively117 billion rubles.,whichisby 30%moreyearto year.