Krzysztof Jażdżewski recalled the procedures that Germany implemented after the confirmation of an outbreak of flu:
– The outbreak was confirmed in a non-commercial, “demonstration” farm, where water buffaloes were kept. After its detection, the European Commission covered the area within a radius of three kilometers from the focal area, while in a radius of seven kilometers the area threatened with flu. In a radius of one kilometer from the place of detection of infected animals all susceptible animals were culled. In the focus from beginning there has been intensive shooting and laboratory studies of wildlife, in the first following days it also affected animals of the deer family.
What restrictions have Germany implemented ?”
As added the Chief Veterinarian, to day 26 January German services took about also 2.5 tys. samples of animal tissues, which were tested for the presence of virus and antibodies – as for times all analyses had negative results.
-. As a result of an internal decision by the authorities of Brandenburg this country has been banned for the disposition of animals susceptible to flu and materials that may be the source of infection (for example beetle). This rule does not affect however transit of animals on main roads. Restrictions imposed by the European Commission are applicable until 11 February br. , if there is no other focus, then they will be revoked. However, it is not out of the question that the German authorities will decide to extend the movement ban for some time – said dr Jażdżewski.
Where did have the prypto in Germany come from?
As added an expert, it is not easy to indicate, how the disease was transmitted to eastern Germany. We do not know or the precise time of transmission of the virus, or the vector. Self infection of animals
was not difficult, because they were in a farm of show nature, which was visited by a large
number of people. The question remains that, why the disease at all happened in Germany.
It is unlikely, that we will never know this.
Read more
Improperties at German border? Inspection Veterinary demonstrates prophecies
Could the focus of flu be incidental?
Is it possible that the flu in Germany will disappear as quickly, as it appeared? According to Krzysztof Jażdżewski as long as we are dealing with an incidental outbreak this is not out of the question:
– The incubation period of the virus is averaging 14 days. Mortality is in the case of herpesvirus relatively low, a in animals, which have survived infection, already after 8 days there are antibodies. Full immunity animals acquire after three weeks and not long after the risk of infecting other animals decreases significantly. The fact, that after close to three weeks from detection of the outbreak we do not have confirmation of trace infection in other animals infuses optimism. Nevertheless it should be remembered, that in this disease there is no way to find and infect all wild animals, in which under present weather conditions the virus would remain viable for a long time. The issue remains therefore open – said Jażdżewski.
Is reasonable to vaccinate animals?
When asked about that, whether it is justified to introduce in Germany a vaccination program against flu, the Chief Veterinarian indicated, that Germany has in its resources preparations of vaccines effective against serotype O, less than
until this time they have decided to implement the vaccination program. This would because with the imposition of trade
barriers by some importers from third countries (of whom because of the flu and so Germans have already lost
many).That’s whythereforeintroducingvaccinationalreadynow,that isatthemoment,whenwe aretalkingonlyaboutanincidence,wouldbe prematureandhasty.