Company Media Markt Poland has made significant changes in the structure of the board. From the list has been removed Snjezana Bandner has occupied the position of president. The new member of the government has been Xenos Spyros.
Snjezana Bandner became president
of the MediaMarktSaturn Poland at the end of 2023 year. She replaced then Andrzej Jackiewicz.
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Changes staff in Media Markt Poland
Snjezana Bandner has been associated with Group MediaMarktSaturn from about. 18 years. Through her president she has performed in the company as commercial director (managing director commercial / CCO), previously held the position chief of staff at MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group. He is an expert in purchasing, managing assortment and business strategy.
Let’s remind, that in June 2024 year. to the team MediaMarkt.pl joined Marek Dorsz, who took the role in thecompanyasdirectore-commerce.