New openings, upgrades and long-term agreements with key tenants are strengthening the position of Homeparks in the Polish market.
Development Homeparks: Targówek, Franowo, Janki and Rawa
In September 2024 year in Homepark Targówek the showroom Jawor-Parquet (228 sqm) was opened. Simultaneously the cooperation with key tenants, such as TK MAXX, RTV EURO AGD, KLER, Demoproject with total trade area of over 6 000 sqm.
Among partners, who extended the contracts at HomePark Franowo was McDonald’s, which signed a new contract for the next years. Also renewed are contracts with Smyk, Jysk (with an expansion of the square square), RTV Euro AGD and market building Jula. Total this is close to 11 000 sqm.
Your concern is also changing the Decathlon store, modifying the interior arrangement, refreshing the elevation of the building and developing the new exterior terrain by assembling the world on bikes for employees and customers and new development of the exterior sports area.
Homepark Janki in 2024 year enriched its offer by two new salons. In June the showroom IWC Home/Dion (almost 700 sqm) was opened. In July the group of tenants was joined by Salon Senpo, offering products for healthy sleep; from the functioning in the facility brand RTV Euro AGD – extended the contract for the next years. Total this is over 2 600 sqm.
Homepark Rawa – here in March 2024 opened a new salon of the recognized brand – Livingroom, a in II half year the contracts with an other partner, brand Bel-Pol for two lounges: Bel-Pol and Bel-Pol Outlet with a total area of 1300 sqm. This second by theendof2024yearit will undergorebrandingonbrandPorta.
The ownerofHOMEPARKisthePraderaEuropeanRetailParks fund,whichbelongstoPradery.