29 January on Allegro started the new discount Smart! Monet program. Buyer can save even 100 zl on one-time purchases. New program replaces the existing monet program Allegro.
Smart! Monets. New program Allegro
The new discount program allows you to collect virtual points for purchases and additional challenges on services and exchange them for coupons. One time value of purchases can be reduced from 1 £ to even 100 £, a month total of up to 3 thousands. All collected Smart! Monets can easily monitor in panel “Discount Programs ” on the website
or in app Allegro.
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Prognozy dla e-commerce. Experts
point out key trends
W Allegro is celebrating our 25th anniversary in Poland. Today purchases are made by us already over 20 million buyers from the of which over 6 million have active package Smart! Development of the program and introduction of new benefits is a touch to our customers, for whom we want to continuously develop the program, to provide them with even better day shopping – stresses Adam Szałamacha, senior manager for ds. commercial programs at Allegro.
You can use already collected Monets
With the entry of the new discount program, the previous Monet program is gone. No means that however, that buyers will forfeit their Monets ⎼ still they can without problems exchange those already collected according to their validity date.Tofacilitatetheprocess,buyerscanexchangealready1monetforcouponsofthevalueof1gold.