
Change trend in supermarkets fatteners. Prices gently grow.

Zmiana trendu w skupach tuczników. Ceny delikatnie rosną

This is some surprising considering the fact, that for many weeks in the market we have observed only corrections in the down, while in the last weeks they were particularly disruptive. From the other however side we already in last week from sales heard signals about the possible return of the growth trend. This is also happened. For now the increases are not impressive and will not change much the situation of breeders, they should however be taken as a light in the tunnel. 

According to our today probe for fat in class E (according classification wbc) national pumps pay from 6.45 to 7.20 £ net per kilogram. The average purchase price is 6.65 £ per kilogram, which means by over 10 groats more than a week ago. Zywiec is currently priced at from 4.50 – 5.55 £ net per kilogram. The average purchase price is today

5.00 £ per kilogram, that is about about 7 pence more than a week ago. 

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What accounts for the changing trend in cups? In the assessment of one of the companies after the situation returns to the norm: in the last weeks on the market there was a powerful depression related first to large declines in Germany, after with the appearance in that country of the focus of flu. The market is slowlybeginningtosettlehowever, andit ispossiblethatpricesgraduallywillgrow,atatlevelproportionaltotheGerman rate. 

Checkupdatedquotationsfortuition prices! 


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