The home&you with decorations interiors has over 130 stores in Poland. The last financial period has given it a sizable loss, because a loss of 15.7 million PLN.
The home&you company reported financial for the period from 01-02-2023 to 31-01-2024 . The company has earned in this time 497.9 million £ income and 15.7 million £ losses.
Spora loss owner home&you
Home&you is a Polish company from Trinity, which has been operating in the market for over 30 years. Under this brand there are now over 130 shops. Salons home&you offer accessories and fabrics for decoration indoors. They are located in popular galleries and shopping centers.
In the discussed period the results of the network are as follows:
- revenues from sales were 497.9 million £ and were by nearly 12,8% lower from achieved in over 13 months of turnover year 2022/23 , a reference to averaged month were by 5.6% lower,
- The turn year 2023/24 company closed with financial loss net in the amount of 15.7 million ,
on which the most impact was the decrease
in revenue andincreaseinoperatingcostsyear/year.