
Change European law – postulates e-Isba

Zmienić europejskie prawo - postulaty e-Izby

The future e-commerce in Poland – about this was discussed on 23 January in Warsaw restaurant Panska 85 invited by the College of Economy Electronic politicians, economists, entrepreneurs and people in business. The main theme of the meeting was an appeal to remove the tariff threshold in imports EUR 150 already from 2026 year. also presentation plans e-Isba, Think Tanks

functioning in the organization, workshops, discussions and time for networking. The end of low-cost

purchases from China - e-Isba for lifting customs exemptions

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of low-cost purchases from China – e-.Chamber in favor of lifting exemptions tariffs

The debate under the title “Presidency of Poland in the EU – new perspectives and challenges” was participated by Secretary of the President’s Council of Ministers – Ignacy Niemczycki, Chairman of Subcommittee Standing for. Innovation and Competition Economy – Weronika Smarduch, Chairman Committee of Dig, Innovation and Modern Technologies – Bartlomiej Pejo and President of the Electronic Economy – Patrycja Sass-Staniszewska.

– Meetings organized by the Chamber have a purpose to inspire the mercial industry, and also build real relationships business. The great interest in this event and frequency confirm, that this is what the market needs. We decided to organize a debate on the Polish presidency, because the priority for us is an equal legal and competitive framework between Polish entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs from China. Interminably for four years we have been conducting an awareness campaign, what is going with the e-commerce market on the national and European level – said Patrycja Sass-Staniszewska, president of the Economy Electronics Chamber.

The European Union is working on reform of customs EU, a one of its key elements is to be the removal of the threshold in the customs framework, which is conditioned on many other factors.among others, its abuse by deceivers. e-The Chamber subscribes to the postulate, but demands that the issue be given priority, which would be connected to the necessity of finalizing the project by 2026 at the latest. Why this is.The issue is so important? What are there to this argument?

– We don’t expect preferential solutions for countries in Europe just that the trade should be performed on equal, fair rules. As administration, this European and national, we did not appreciate the cleverness of some entrepreneurs and want to respond – confirmed Ignacy Niemczycki, Secretary of State in the President Council of Ministers.

– We must start taking care of that, by European law, which we impose upon ourselves, would be enforced against all, including outside the EU. From this discussion we have learned one, very important thing – Europe and Poland are fully aware of the weight of their own economies. We see concrete movements, to finally finalize the postulate. Meetings of entrepreneurs are very important. We on every day don’t work in this industry, that’s why discussions, realising the needs and postulates of entrepreneurs are necessary, to implement good and effective methods – added Veronika Smarduch, chairman of the Subcommittee of Solid ds. Innovation and Competition Economy.

As informs e-Isba, in its strategy is the development of Poland’s digital industry through cooperation, exchange of views, legislative action and strong and effective representation of common interests in dialogue with institutions of government administration, European Union and non-governmental organizations. In the program of the event, therefore was no shortage of presentation of the e-Isba plans for 2025 year and presentation of the e-Isba Think Tank 2025 activities, about which they told: Olga Pijanowska, Paul Oksanowicz, Zbyszek Nowicki and Patrycja Sass-Staniszewska.

– Today’s meeting is also the inauguration e-Isba Think Tank – project, which is focused on exchanging experiences and developing the best possible solutions, which will support further development e-commerce in Poland. It is the ideal place for mercial support for lawmakers. Participants of the four Think Tanks functioning in e-Isba are people, who share their knowledge and make business friends. This is the key to create innovation and effective actionforthissegmentofthemarket-summarizedZbyszekNowicki,ChairoftheCounciloftheElectronic Economy,Leade-IsbaThinkTank,Headofe-IsbaThinkTankPerformanceMarketing.-ThinkMeetingwasnotonlyaplaceforexchangeofknowledge,butalsoaplatformformarketing.buildingrelationshipsandcreatingstrategies,whichwilldefinethe futureofPolande-commerceandmarketing.The ChamberofEconomyforthenexttimehasproved thatitisakeypartnerforentrepreneurs,offeringsupportinadaptingtothechangingmarketandglobalchallenges-he stressed.


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