The Chamber of Commerce supports the plan to reduce alcohol consumption, but notes, that the planned measures to implement it should not be limited to increasing the volume of bureaucracy, but should really
contribute to achieving the target. After reducing the vaccise on alcohol in 2019, the vaccise will increase again from the beginning of 2024 year, increasing vaccises on both beer, and strong alcohol. Photo: Arvo Meeks
The Chamber of Commerce Palate supports a plan to reduce alcohol consumption, but notes, that the planned measures for its implementation should not be limited to
increasing the volume of bureaucracy, but should really contribute to the achievement of the determined objective.
The Palate considers it important that directions for development of reducing alcohol consumption over the next decade to address the causes of the abuse of alcohol. At the current time the plan includes different strategic objectives and activities which mainly contain prohibitions, restrictions and regulations.Thedocumentdoes notanalyzethereasonsfortheabuseofalcoholinEstonia.
TheCouncil believes that in addition to the development of new measures, it is also necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of existing measures.