A comparison of prices in the capitals of the Baltic countries, conducted on Friday by Circle K shows, that the prices for fuel in the Baltic capitals have moved
in different directions over the week. Fill. Photo: Tairo Tairo Lutter / Postimees
A comparison of prices in the capitals of the countries of Baltia, conducted on Friday by Circle K shows, that the prices
for fuel in the Baltic capitals have moved in different directions over the week.
In Tallinn Prices for gasoline remained at the level of the previous Friday, and a liter of diesel fuel cost by three cents. In Riga the price of a liter of gasoline 95 miles increased by a liter of gasoline 98 miles plus and diesel fuel remained unchanged. In Vilnius the price for 95-octane gasoline decreased by a percent, and for 98-octane gasoline increased by a percent. The price of a liter of diesel fuel dropped by three cents.
The price of a liter of gasoline 95 miles in the capital Estonia on Friday was 1.679 euros, which is 1.5 cents more than in Riga, and 13 cents more than in Vilnius. The cost of a liter of gasoline 98 miles plus in Tallinn was 1,729 euros, which is 2,5 cents more than in Riga and 6.1 cents more than in Vilnius.
The cost of diesel fuel in Tallinn was 1,579 euros, which is 5.5 cents fewer than in Riga, and ninecents The comparison ofpricesisinformative.Fuelpricesmay varyatdifferentfuelstations. Pricesareinformative.