
Catastrophe on German market tunnels. Another large drop inprices.

Katastrofa na niemieckim rynku tuczników. Kolejny duży spadek cen

The fatal series in the market of turtles continues. The Mid session of the German big exchange run by the association VEZG ended with a very large drop in turtle prices. In comparison with last week the recommended by association rate dropped by another 10 euro cents, reaching this same level of 1.72 euro per kilogram. For comparison, just two weeks ago this rate was by 20 groats higher. 

In conversion to national currency (according to. currency euro with today: 1 EUR=4.26 PLN) German rate is

7.33 £ per kilogram, against 7.76 £/kg before week.

Drastic drop in

prices of fattenants. Prices are returning to levels of years ago

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Drastic Decline in train prices. Prices are returning to levels from years ago

The price situation in domestic stores

What declines in Germany mean to domestic producers? We should not have unfortunately illusions, that the prevalent today large disparity between the Polish market and German (approx. 50 – 60 groszy) will mitigate the effect of today’s reduction. The confirmation of this is the situation of last week, when that the domestic market had no resistance, to lower the level of prices by the value resulting from changes in Germany. Yes this is likely to be and this week. 

At the end of last week the price of tunnels in Poland was about 7,05 £ net per kilogram class E and about 5.45 £netperkilogramof livestock.Today’scorrectionsinGermanymaytransfertofurtherdeclinesinpricesofeach40-45gross. 



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