What role in further transformation of trade will methods of payment play? Directions indicate data from research made available by Adyen: Retail Report 2024 and Digital Report 2024.
- Modern payment technologies, such as biometrics or one click payments, are revolutionizing shopping, providing more convenience, speed and security.
- Integrated strategies connect the world online and offline, creating coherent, fluid shopping experiences, which consumers value more and more.
- Social commerce, using personalization and engagement of users, changes the previous approach to shopping.
The non-cash world – faster, easier, safer
One of the most important trends is the dynamic development of non-cash payments. The number of consumers, who are using mobile payments, cashless, BNPL (Buy Now, Pay Later) and the growing popularity of solutions, such as one click payments.
Results of this year’s survey Adyen Retail Report demonstrate, that almost 30 pc. Polish consumers never carry with their traditional wallet, because they use this digital.
From both already 73 proc. consumers, according to the latest study Adyen Digital Report, confirms, that if the preferred method of payment is not available, that in their feeling prevents the continuation of purchase. Integration of appropriate technology, which enables local methods of payment facilitates problem-free shopping online customers across the world, without the necessity of exchanging currencies or using traditional
banking systems. This integration means also unlimited opportunities for companies to expand abroad.
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Biometric payments from lives finger. People are betting on an innovative solution
Omnichannel – the obliteration of the boundaries between channels of sales
Consumers can today start shopping online, check the availability of products in stationary stores, athen receive it personally. Such flexibility is promoted by their very valued. However companies, which offer omnichannel services, may face difficulties, if their sales systems are not adequately integrated – then they risk losing valuable data between channels. The next step in developing strategy for their Unified Commerce. It enables its complete integration of different channels, such as store stationary, internet, applications or media social media, in one platform.
As indicates Adyen Retail Report, companies, that have implemented this strategy, expect in this year to increase revenue on average of 92 proc, then when the whole retail sector is expected to grow by 75 percent.
This strategy also represents the future for many Polish companies planning international expansion. As many as 2/3 of their (67 proc.) says, that to successfully conquer foreign
markets will need Unified Commerce, to with access to complete data better understand who their
new customers are.
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They want cash in circulation. “It is our freedom”
Purchasing in social media – for a more intimate experience
Social commerce is a growing trend, which combines e-commerce with social media. According to the research Adyen Retail Report already 45 proc. Polish consumers order favorite products through media social media, a 80 proc. firms using this channel of sales confirm, that has allowed them to improve or significantly improve revenue. What more, a study Adyen Digital Report proves, that sellers in social media, in that users of transmission on live, have an influence on purchasing decisions by 79 percent. consumers.
Social commerce uses advanced algorithms, which recommend products based on the interests of users and their activities on the network, creating a more personalized shopping experience.
Also shortened distance between brands ausers and increased confidence in influencers and online stores make consumers more likely to shop on social media, feeling more engaged.
Payments biometric – the future in the hand
The development of biometric technologies, such as facial recognition or fingerprints , enables fast and secure authorization of transactions, eliminating the need to enter card numbers or enter passwords. Thanks to these solutions, payments are becoming easier and more accessible. According to data from Adyen Digital Report 2024, a size 46 proc. consumers are already using biometrics (fingerprint or face recognition ) to authorize transactions online.
Although 43 proc. users still do not use this technology, they expect to that thanks to convenience and high security, biometric payments in the coming years will gain in popularity.
In practice this means that, that every point
of sale – from stationary stores to mobile applications or e-commerce platforms – can be integrated with
biometric technologies, eliminating any physical barriers to payment.
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New limits payments cash. “This step to liquidation cash?”
Challenges of the future – security and trust of consumers
Global changes are related to increasing concern for protection of personal data and prevention of fraud. The Study Adyen Retail Report 2024 shows, that 1 per 3 Poland enterprise retail (30 proc.) only in last year fell victim of fraud, cyberattack or data leakage .
More than half (55 proc.) respondents in the Survey Adyen Digital Report, on question about the most important activities, what internet companies should take, to improve their services, the first pointed to improve security.
In order to gain the trust of consumers, companies must invest in the latest technologies that secure transactions -.Innovations, such as biometrics, tokenization and advanced security systems increase security of payments, which from the course builds trust for e-commerce. In the future, by effectively reducing losses related to fraud and cyberattacks, companies gain not only an opportunity for more
sustainable development, but also to build persistent trust among consumers. Only in the last year the Poland sector
lost as the result of fraud 87 billion , a average amount of losses incurred by consumers was 1.8
tys. £ per person.
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Biometrics is already a “must-have”, but not every technology is for everyone (interview)
Purchasing in the new reality – more convenience and control
The future of shopping will be based on technology, which will ease the shopping process, provide increased convenience, safety and adapt to individual user needs. Independently on this, whether it is aboutmobile,biometric,orshoppinginthevirtualworld(metaverse),that,whichappearedto beafuturisticvision,isslowlybecomingandaily occurrence.Consumersaregainingmorecontrolovertheirfinances,andsellerswillbe abletorespondbettertotheexpectationsoftheircustomers,creatinganevenmoreindividualized,smoothandsafeshopping experience.