
Cars more expensive, costs of repairs in up. How to avoidpillpurchases?

Auta droższe, koszty napraw w górę. Jak uniknąć pułapek zakupowych?

In 2024 year the prices of car repair services in Poland, according to industry media, have increased up to 30% in comparison with 2023 year. The increases resulted mainly from increasing labor costs, energy and operating materials. The increases in service prices were not balanced even by a slight decrease in prices of spare parts. Will in this year inflation also increase repair costs ?

  • Costs of repair cars increased in 2024 year by 20-30% in relative to 2023 year. This is significantly more than the average inflation in this period. The reason is mainly increasing wages.
  • In th this year the increase in prices of vehicle repair services may be high. This problem is especially for people, who buy used autos from abroad. The average age of such cars is 12.5 years.
  • Since 2012 year in

    Poland approximately 5 million new cars, so-called saloon cars have been registered.The choice of this pool is large and basically safer.

Over 80 thousand autos in full electric on Poland roads

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More than 80 tys. autos in complete electric on Poland roads

According to data from General Statistical Office (CSO), overall inflation in Poland in December 2024 year was 4.7% in annual terms. Prognoses for the current year indicate the continuation of inflation at similar levels. There is no in this time fear of repeating the situation of 2022 year, when annual inflation was about 14.4% (according GUS). However, it is worth remembering, that the prices of cars and parts to these have increased over 3 years even higher than average levels of inflation. Prices of service increased by 15-25% on a year, and prices of spare parts by 15-30% (depending on model and brand). In the last year costs for repairs also rose significantly stronger than general inflation.

1.7 million used autos, average age of 12.5 years

This should light a warning lamp for buyers of used cars imported from abroad. There were in 2024 year a record high. According Samar, in the last year there were imported in Poland as 967.5 thousand used persons and deliveries. Their average age is even 12.5 years. For the last 2 years this import is about 1.7 million used autos.

– In 2024 year the cost of repair cars has increased mainly because of significant increases in prices of services. The current increase of about 1/5 is very significant and notable. It is worth reminding, that in the years 2022-2023 the situation was even more dynamic – the prices of service increased then by 15-25% on a year scale, a price of spare parts by 15-30% (depending on model and brand). Despite slowing tempo growth, costs for repairs are still growing faster than general inflation. In this context it is surprising that so large imports of cars used from abroad. The myth is the belief, that all imported autos are less used due to better roads in Germany. To our country they receive primarily multiple examples of highly used, brought into its own hand or by middlemen. A frequent practice is also seeking so-called price bargains, which causes the buyer not to analyze the history of damage or the status of the meter. These vehicles may require costly repairs, which with maintaining their high servicing costs will additively burden the budget of owners – says Kamil Klukowski, director of the district. collaboration with dealers at, a e-commerce platform belonging to PKO Leasing. – Vehicles purchased by middlemen or from middlemen from foreign may appear to be cars after submersions or serious wrecks. What other vehicles used from professional distribution: of an age 3-5 years, with full damage and service history, purchased from a foreign dealer, a CFM or Rent-a-Car company. These are in good condition, and also may have interesting equipment – he adds.

5 million domestic autos used in Poland

may be some buying used vehicles from abroad, knowing, that in the case of increasing inflation the costs of repair of their autos would consider other options. The market of domestic vehicles from the other hand is very large. The number of new vehicle registrations in Poland has grown systematically since 2012 year, reaching the peak in 2019 year with a result of about 555 thousand registrations. From 2012 year to 2024 year there were registered in Poland in a total of about 5 million new autos. Most of these are still in Poland and are available on the secondhand market. They are in large and are in large.extent still younger vehicles than those imported in 2024 years (average 12.5 years), a their state is better than used cars imported. There is therefore in what to choose.

– Many of the so-called saloon vehicles change owners. In the best state are those which are on sale platforms, such as us. Simply reject autos, which are in bad condition or have masked defects. Inspection of vehicles used transferring to us is very accurate and includes 75 points. No can this in any time compare with an individual verification of an auto sold by the previous owner, a this more commission car – is marked by Kamil Klukowski from, a e-commerce platform owned by PKO Leasing.

Bargain from foreign or domestic auto on ratings?

What matters is not only the technical condition, but and actual course. In the case of financing leasing or leasing the possible service packages, in which the cost is not only future service, but and eventual repairs.

– It is worth this option to check, because it may prove better than buying a “bargain”. Financially, but and organizationally. For certainly an auto from the sales platform in the country is fewer hassles, even if it breaks down, there is such a such

such problem. the search for replacement partsandtheappropriateworkshoptakesonitsownleasing provider,byhowmuchtothevehicletheappropriatepackage-emphasizesKamilKlukowski.

Accordingtoexpertsdriversrecognizethebenefitsthatbringtotheirleasingcar.Thisisbothabouttax issues,andthoserelatedtotheavailabilityofautoswithouthavingtopayhighinitialorone-timeexpenses.The reasonisalsothedevelopmentofself-serviceonline solutions.Intuitiveplatforms,whichenableselfcomparisonofoffers,calculationofleasingratesandsubmissionofapplicationsmakeleasingmoreaccessibleanduser-friendly.


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