
Carriers will pay more to the Social Security Administration. The bane ofsettlementdrivers.

Przewoźnicy zapłacą więcej na ZUS. Zmora rozliczeń kierowców

Average projected remuneration for 2025 year, according to the latest, official announcement published in the Monitor Poland, is 8 673 £.1 This means that it has increased by about 850 PLN over 2024 year. This increase significantly will affect the costs of employment of drivers in international transport. Increase of this amount, which most often forms the basis for calculation of US contributions, will transfer to higher burdens for

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Carriers will not avoid higher contributions of Social Security

Ministry of Labor and Social Policy officially confirmed, that the projected average wage for year 2025 is 8 673 PLN. This means, that it is higher by al 850 zł than in 2024 year. For owners of transportation companies, US contributions are one of the key cost elements. In last years they have increased systematically, and the year 2025 is not an exception under this exception. Must remember about that the average projected remuneration for drivers in international traffic, which successively increases each year, is the most common basis for calculation of the SUS contributions. His increase will transfer into higher monthly contributions, which for entrepreneurs employing truckers, driving for border, will be a major burden.

– The inevitable effect of increasing average, projected wages for drivers will be higher employers to the SUS. In 2025 year they increased by about 356 PLN, reaching the same month amount of obligations of the employee and employer to the ZUS of about about. 3 639 zlotys, which the entrepreneur will pay on the salary of one driver in international transport in a month. It must also stress that we are talking about the situation, in which there is no change in the net pay of the driver from the new year. If however the employee will apply for an increase in pay and the employer will agree to it, thenmust be aware of the higher costs. It is worth noting also that over the last three years the same US contributions have increased almost fold. This is very large, especially that these amounts must be multiplied by the number of drivers – remarks Matthew Italian, expert for ds. development and training, Inelo of the Group Euroowag.

New regulations already from beginning January 2025

New quota, as every year apply from the new year, without any period transition. This means that entrepreneurs, who will pay wages to drivers in January 2025 for work in December 2024 year, should include in the recalculation already the new rate.

– Although pensions will be paid in early January 2025 year, those must already be calculated based on the new amount of average wage, that is from 8 673 PLN. It is therefore to keep in attention and to implement appropriate mechanisms for calculation of payments and contributions to SUS. Lack of preparedness can result in accounting errors, and in consequences also unnecessary overdue and punishments – Matthew Italian points out.

Virtual diet and sanitation this is a necessity for accounting drivers

When accounting time work drivers transportation companies still have large difficulties in calculating the appropriate amounts of taxes and contributions to US. This type of mistakes very often are the result of unfamiliarity with binding regulations, their complexity or inadvertence.

– One of the major challenges for carriers is still precise and proper calculation of expected net remuneration to gross with adjustment of relevant regulations, that is the so-called. virtual diet and even sanitation. often this calculation is made by the method. To improve this accounting, it is worth equipping you with professional to analyze the time of drivers,suchasthe4Trans program.Oursystemisspeciallyadaptedtotheneedsoftransportcompaniesandallowsautomaticallyconvertnetamountstogross,takingintoconsiderationnecessarycomponentsofremuneration.EntrepreneurscanalsotaketheservicesofOCRK’sexperts,andthentheyreceiveprofessionalassistanceforsettlements.Thankstothistransport companieseliminatetheriskofmistakesandensuretheircompliancewiththelatestregulations-summarizesMatthewItalian.


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