The cap, which helps, returns to Biedronka. This time, from the 33rd Final of WOSP, in accompanied by gloves and a thermal mug. From January in all stores of the network in all Poland the new collection of special winter products Biedronka with the red heart of Great Christmas Rescue.
The total proceeds from the sale of three products, with excluding VAT tax, will be transferred to support the 33rd Finale . Final of Great Orchestra of Christmas Help, of which Biedronka is the main sponsor.
Biedronka plays together with WOŚP
Customers have the opportunity to donate both at self-service checks, as and traditional, with any amount being multiple zlot – in cash, as and using the card for payment. Additionally, they can throw banknotes and coins into specially designed for Biedronka final cans of WOŚP, which still before the New Year appeared at the counter.
A from January in the offer of the chain three special products available only in Biedronka – gloves (PLN 9.99 ), thermal mug (29,99 zl) and cap in sizes for children and adults (14,99 zl) – of which total gain, with excluding tax VAT, will be transferred to support purpose 33. Final of Great Orchestra of Christmas Help.
For the fourth time in our stores customers will be able to buy the iconic Biedronka hat, which has become the symbol for all people of the great heart. In this edition our offer has also been enriched with new products – gloves and the thermal mug. All proceeds from the sale of these three unique products with excluding VAT, will be donated to support the 33. Final of WOŚP, meaning oncology and hematology children – says Carolina Błońska, Senior Manager for ds. Sustainable Development, Chief Staff of WOŚP in the network Biedronka.
– This is the best new for collectors of final caps from Biedronka. Another final proposal beats previous ones over head. Simply beautiful and warm, a all that, what we have prepared in our designs, reflects the excellent spirit of our colors. We are playing for the fourth time and we are very happy, that we can, thanks to Customers Biedronka, realize the Final project. We will succeed! – comments Jurek Owsiak, President of the Foundation OŚP.
Beyond the cap, gloves and the thermal mug, from theJanuary only in Biedronka stores available also winter socks for WOŚP, in price 19,99 zł, blanket with characteristic graphics in price 49,99 zl, blanket fleece with dimensions 130×160 cm in cence 29,99 zl, jackets (24,99 zl), whether powerbank (49,99 zl). Early to sale were also licensed products signed with the red heart and logo of 33. Final of GOCC, among others. t-shirt female or male WOŚP in cenie 49,99 PLN, colored socks in cenie 24,99 PLN per pair, leash for 9,99 PLN, break for 14.99 zl, magnets in cenie 14.99 zl, cup ceramic (34.99 zl), any cabinet car for 34.99 zl. For all organized there are also planners in cence 29,99 zł and calendars – wall in cence 14,99 zł or book A5 for 29,99 zł.
Promotions on GOCC
Customers of networks until Sunday (26.01) can take advantage of the 2+2 promotion on industrial articles and textiles marked with WOŚP logotype. On the day of the Final, 26 January, falls a trade Sunday, therefore all stores of the Biedronka network will be open, allowing customers to actively support this unique initiative. This day over 3100 stores will be open, at least until 22 or longer.
Exclusive charity auctions Biedronka
Also, outside collections in stores and sales of licensed products, Biedronka, next time has prepared three unique charity auctions, which can be bid already on Allegro:
- Two tickets Gold for the match Poland – Lithuania in the eliminations for the World Championship 2026 along with the shirt of the Poland representation with autographs of all players. The bidder will have the opportunity to watch the match from the VIP Gold box, usingcateringandunlimitedOpenBar.
- TwoticketsGoldforthe matchPoland-Maltaandaballwithautographsofthe entirePolish national team.The winnerwill alsoexperiencetheuniqueatmosphereintheVIPGoldloftwithcateringandOpenBar.
- Personalizedvalentine-thewinnerofthisauctionwillbeabletomakeromanticmessages,whichforthewholedaywillbedisplayedonthescreensofself-servicecashstoresin10selectedBiedronkastoresnearthelocationofthewinner.