The power plants, wind turbines and the largest Estonian storage capacities, owned by Eesti Energia, are operated by Eesti Energia, are ready to support the smooth connection of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in the coming weekend to the European continental frequency
range. Estonian Eesti Energia Energia in Auwer. Photo: Matti Matti Kämärä / Põhjarannik
BNS 4 February
2025, 18:24
Power plants, wind turbines and the largest Estonian storage capacities, owned by Eesti Energia, are ready to support the smooth connection of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in the coming weekend
to the European continental frequency range.
Estonia, along with Latvia and Lithuania, by connecting to the European frequency range will make its energy system more reliable, and will be ready at any time to provide a balance between production and consumption of electricity.
The Enefit Power Power Power in Estonia will play an important role in this, wind power Enefit Green power in Estonia and Lithuania and the first in Estonia the large power storage in Auwer. It also includes IT solutions, such as a virtual power plant, which allows the company to participate in frequency markets with assets in its portfolio.
According to Kristjan Kuhi, Member of the Management of Eesti Energia Kristjan Kuhi, the company completed a large part of the preparation for the supply of power and the supply.As a result of intensive efforts over the last months the Auvera energy storage facility is ready to support the power grid.
” Eesti Energia has all generating assets, ready to contribute to the smooth transition of Estonia and the Baltic countries into the continental European frequency range, ” assured Kouhi. – I am glad, that, despite the very compressed schedule, our large storage of energy is ready to support the stability of the power system after desynchronization and to balance variations in prices of electricity from uncontrolled renewable energy.”
Eesti Energia is the largest provider of manual and automated frequency restoration in Estonia, and the generating installations of the company meet the requirements of the European frequency control platform, providing both manual manual frequency recovery reserve (mFRR), and automatic frequency recovery reserve (aFRR).
In the last year alone, the company added 455 MW of new assets to the virtual power plant, which now is 2100 MW. From these power managed assets were increased by 290 MW to 700 MW.
Only in the last year the company connected to the virtual power plant 455 MW of new assets, bringing their total power to 2100 MW. Of these the power of the assets under management increased by 290 MW to 700 MW.
Narva power plants will play an important role in desynchronization of the electric grid, since the generating capacity Enefit Power is 85 percent of Estonia’s controlled generating capacity.
Eesti EnergiaprovidesmFRRservicesforEleringfromthe momentthecreationofthegeneralof the BalticmarketmFRRin2018andaFRRservicesaFRRincooperationwithEleringfortheFinnishmarketfrom2021year.