On farmer.pl we have already provided WIR calculations regarding the cultivation of winter rapeseed. They showed that the financial result, i.e. the difference between revenue and costs, amounted to PLN 446 in July 2024. For comparison, in June 2023 this result was negative, i.e. costs were higher than revenue.
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How much does it cost to grow rapeseed? Data from WIR
Is it profitable to grow wheat?
Unfortunately, in the calculations of the Wielkopolska Chamber of Agriculture from July 2024, the calculation of the cultivation of one hectare of winter wheat also came out negative, specifically -PLN 421.71. The total costs were calculated at PLN 7,876.69, and the income was PLN 7,454.99.
It is worth emphasizing that the calculations were made for a yield of 7 t/ha and a price per ton of nearly PLN 800 net. Below is the detailed WIR table.
What was the situation like in 2023?
We remind you that in June 2023 it was even worse. At that time it was calculated that the costs of growing one hectare of wheat were almost PLN 8,400, and the revenue from 1 ha was slightly over PLN 6,500. That is, the loss was about PLN 1,847.
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Cultivation costs higher than revenues? WIR calculations
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Wages up over 100 percent, and grain is cheap. How much should wheat cost?