
Buyers no buyers: the property of a bankrupt manufacturer of saunas is rapidly getting cheaper

Покупателей нет: имущество обанкротившегося производителя саун стремительно дешевеет

The value of the assets of bankrupt Sauna Projekt AsiM OÜ is continuing to decline, according to data from the auction portal of the Palate of

judicial executors and bankruptcy trustees. Property of the bankrupt

enterprise Sauna Projekt AsiM OÜ. Property of the bankrupt enterprise Sauna Projekt AsiM OÜ. Photo: Kohtutäiturite ja pankrotihaldurite koda

The value of the assets of the bankrupt enterprise Sauna Projekt AsiM OÜ continues to decline, data from the auction portal of the

Palace of judicial executors and bankruptcy trustees.

In early October last year experts estimated the assets of the company at 293 293 161 euros. But already by the mid month this amount has decreased to 219 871 euros. At the beginning of November the value fell by 55 000 euros to 164 903 euros. By the end of the month, the assets had gained to 123 677 euros. In December their value decreased to 92 758.9euros,continuingtodemonstrateadecreasingtrend.

According tothe latestdata,thevalueofthebankruptpropertyofthecompanyis nowtotal69569euros.

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