
Businesses in Russia will be prohibited from imposing additional services oncitizens

Бизнесу в России запретят навязывать дополнительные услуги гражданам

The Duma in spring session may adopt the legislative bill of the government, prohibiting businesses from imposing paid services on the population. Ob this write “Izvestia”.

R Photography Background/Shutterstock/Fotodom

R Photography Photography Background/Shutterstock/Fotodom

The issue first is about insurance when purchasing a car, aviation and railroad tickets, medical services when the citizen has a HMO policy, when paying the Housing and Utilities. The document deputies plan to consider in first reading on 28 January. This information is confirmed in the profile committee on industry and trade, where they reported that the cabmin’s initiative already receives positive responses from regions. In particular, votes in support have already given the zakssobraniya of Nizhegorodskaya, Astrakhanskaya oblasts, Komi and Kabardino-Balkaria.

The bill was introduced into the Duma on 4 December. In the explanatory note, the cabmin reports, that the resolution of the problem of imposing consumer goods (works, services) for separate payment has big public and social significance, as similar actions are often based on manipulation and threats to citizens who would risk being less of their goods.adoption of amendments to, – is said in

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