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- Breeding dogs in Poland. The gray zone, which needs to be cleaned up?
- One of the discussed issues was to order the activities of breeding dogs and cats
- There will be a project on only this problem and therefore requested, to remove it from the so-called. law anti-chain
- specifically, że krytyce poddano zapis z ustawy antyłanćuchowej mówiący o dużych uprawnieniach kontrolnych wobec
organizacji społecznych
Komisja Nadzwyczajna do spraw ochrony zwierząt (NOZ) zorganizowała wysłuchanie publiczne dotyczące obywatelskiego projektu ustawy o zmianie ustawy o ochronie zwierząt oraz zmianie niektórych innych ustaw. As reported by Dorota Nedziela vice speaker of the Sejm, who conducted the hearing, 165 notifications – 68 from organizations and 97 from physical persons. The order of appearances overlapped
with the order of applications. There are formal issues.
Read more Many months of work in the committee
extraordinary -. dogs on chains should not wait that long
Charges against authors of the project
The public hearing serves to present doubt and criticism, therefore after ritual assurance, that the law on the protection of animal rights after 27 years must be amended, the has started to count problematic provisions.
In the so-called anti-chain law, which has been subject of debates, there was strongly criticized a thread organizing breeding. The representative of the Kynological Association RP called it “a fantasy brothel in effect” and demanded removal from the draft law of the whole thread concerning breeding. Particularly, that the Commission.Extraordinary will debate on the project of the law on breeding activities.
Animal breeders lament the authors of the project, that they led the public in wrong. People signed the project, because they were shown their dogs on chains, not read the details. Thus, in the opinion of breeders, there is a frontal attack on their branch. Additionally, widely understood, societal organizations, are acquiring the right to take animals after their accusations, without their proof. Because they are these, after limiting the ability of breeding organizations, they will “govern” the rights to breeding. It has been noted that regulating the activity of breeding was not guided by scientific knowledge, for example. permits the adoption of kittens from the eighth week, when this, as is specified, it is a behavioral crime. No breeder will give a kitten under 14. weeks.
Response about the necessity of supervision
From a fellow representative of social organization (Mondo Cane) stated, that regulation of breeding is necessary. There are such sharp words, that we have two grey areas – prostitution and breeding. And there, and there flows huge, untaxed money.
During debate a spokesman of the National Dog Breeding Association “Kennel Club” stated, that it is necessary to introduce supervision over breeding associations. He explained, that high standards must apply to all breeding clubs. Competition cannot mean that you reduce this quality, because then “the most affected are not the people, only the dogs.”
What to one we all agree – the breeding rules should be ordered. As calculatedinMondoCane-onsaleportalsononedayyoucanadvertiseaboutthesaleof70thousandpsfor50million£.
Changesare wantedby bothbreedersandsocialorganizations.DraftingappropriateparagraphsintheEmergencyCommitteewillcertainlybedifficult.Bemaybe,really,theconstructionissueshouldbeincludedinanindividuallaw.