
Breeders of pigs are fearful of flu. Talk with MichalKolodziejczak.

Hodowcy trzody chlewnej obawiają się pryszczycy. Rozmawiają z Michałem Kołodziejczakiem

Breeders of cattle fear of flu

Present at the meeting breeders of cattle expressed their concern about the continuing transport of pigs from Germany to Poland. They also stated that they expect concrete declarations and solutions, which will support the pig production sector. Michael Kolodziejczak announced, that he intends to direct to the Ministry of Finance and the President of the Council of Ministers writers, in which informs about the possible financial consequences of the appearance of flu in Poland.

We must take action in cooperation with other departments, because the consequences of the problem, with which we are facing, will affect not only the agriculture sector. These consequences

we want to prevent, but to do this effectively, we must act together – stressed the Deputy Minister.

Farmers demand better protection against flu

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Farmers demand improved protection against flu

Preventive action taken in relations with flu in Germany

Chief doctor of veterinary medicine Krzysztof Jażdżewski has indicated, that the European Commission 13 January 2025 year. issued a decision imposing restrictions on Germany to prevent the spread of flu out the territory, in which has been approved – this decision is in force until 11 February 2025 . He also reminded also, what activities this time have been implemented by Poland, to minimize transmission of virus flu in our country:

  • strengthening control of animal shipments from Germany entering the territory of Poland. From the moment of the disease there have been only three transports of live animals to farms in Poland and have been subject to specific control,
  • disinfection of vehicles transporting human animals at the borders with land Brandenburg, where an outbreak of flu has occurred,
  • additional measures of control, setting in the state of preparedness of veterinary services on the whole territory of the country, in particular in facilities and farms, to which animals or beef, pork are imported.mutton,
  • create additional channels of communication with the farming and meat

    branches to inform about the threat and methods to protect from virus,

  • review, revise and update procedures and tools related to early detection of disease.

At the end of the discussions,

Deputy Michael Kolodziejczak announced further meetings with representatives of the pork market.

Source: MRiRW,

op. HK

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change on the Polish market of pork

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Closing the border

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