The National Pork Council conducted discussions on the threat, which to Polish breeders will bring the eventual disease from Germany. Meetings have taken place on Friday 24 January, then on Monday 27 January, and today (29 January) breeders at the ministry of agriculture, in accompanied by Deputy Michael Kolodziejczak had a meet with the meat industry. Yesterday farmers were however informed, that they cannot participate in this meeting, because it will be a
two-way meat industry with the vice minister.
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After this information the National Pork Council convened a online meeting with media, to inform about the existing situation and tell their doubt, about further perturbations, which may cause pork.
As explains to us Terka from the National Pork Council, there is something to discuss, because we see, how strongly the situation in Germany has affected the situation in Poland supermarkets. – We want an explanation of the price divergence in Polish businesses and that which is presented on the German exchange. We need quick action and information. We need to talk about this together with the meat industry. We have today the flood of meat from Germany, our farmers have problems with sales. It is time, to work out common solutions. We cannot tolerate that our problems are talked without us.
Breeders do not understand, why they are excluded from discussions. The threat and the consequences of spreading of pestilence are great, and as they say, they want to talk about together.
Maciej Perzyna a veterinarian from SGGW, affiliated with KRW adds to that that that those breeders naturally are always under pressure of prices of meat establishments. It is they, in this cooperation dictate prices. Why shareholders should now agree, to exclude their from such meetings?
Alina Ojdana, a breeder of thePodlasia, adds in the conversation, that the subject should be taken seriously. Appeals also to all breeders in Poland, to also exert pressions. – We have seen, what happened at the beginning with ASF. It could have stifled the disease in the bud, but the subject has been discussed. But the pig disease is more dangerous, if it appears in Poland, there will be an end, they will breed pigs. We act socially, we don’t expect for that money. We have experience, the ministry should be happy, that we want to help avoid this threat.
Adds to this, that the issue should be taken seriously and coordinated by the government. It is not about spectacular action, but effective. – Must be acted concretely, but prudently. Remember, that if we close the border, that farms, which buy imported archer, may have a serious problem. Today this must be discussed and seek a good solution.
Emil Mieczaj, a farmer from Western Pomerania, member of the Twitter Farmers Party, indicates, that we have a crisis and this is not
time to get talkers to the table.
– The ship tonie, it is all hands on the deck. It is
not time, to select talkers to the table. Breeding of animals in Poland is going on, the need for common action
– emphasized Mieczaj.
Will breeders get a wide meeting with the meat industry? We will inform about this we will inform.