Record quantity of cereals
According to the recently published forecast National Supply Company (Conab) crops of cereals in Brazil in the season 2024/2025, taking from optimal weather conditions, are expected to increase by 8 percent. in comparison with the previous year. Projected a record production of 322.3 million ton. Also it is estimated that the total sown area will be 81.4 million hectares, which means aning an increase by almost 2 percent in comparison with the season 2023/2024.
Furthermore it is estimated that the total sown area is 81.4 million hectares, which means aning an increase by almost 2 percent. in comparison with the year 2023-2024.
Conab also predicts record currency yields, increased by 3 perc. in relative to the 2023/2024 season, which will amount to 119.6 million ton. The company informed, that the significant increase in crops compensates 6.4 perc. decrease in seed area during the first harvest. This month and April will begin seeding the second and third harvest of cereals.
Conab forecasts, that exports of corn will decrease by 4.5 million ton in the years 2023-2024 to 34 million ton.
Together with increased production stocks will rebuild and close at level 3,5 million tons, which will guarantee domestic supplies, especially for the protein animal sector.
According Conab in the season 2024/2025 the area of cultivated rice will increase by 8.5 percent, to 1.75 million hectares, and production will increase by 13 percent. to nearly 12 million tons.
However, projected lower wheat production at 7.89 million tons, that is by 2.6 perc. less than in the last season, which is caused by a 14.2 perc. decreasing surface seeding in states of the southern region, in combined with unfavorable weather in the whole crop cycle in Parana and in the south east and midwest regions.
More soy
Conab expects that production soy will reach 166.3 million ton, which will increase by nearly 19 million ton in comparison with previous harvests. By taking into consideration of the harvest soy in this cycle, projects this increase of exports in
the season 2024/2025 to 105.4 million tons. Exports of soybean meal are estimated at 22 million ton,
and are expected to export 1.4 million ton of soybean oil.
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will-collect record soy-quantities in season 2024/25
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2023/2024 Brazil will have a decrease in soy