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- The developed by Brazilians system is based on a base of photos and films, on which there are different forms of location of mothers.
- In using this base a computer model was developed, which in an automatic way detects the occurrence
culvability in the sow.
Technology production, conditions environment, whether nutritional conditions are factors in significant ways increasing the occurrence of culopathy in sows. These ailments constitute a large threat to the property of animals, may limit parameters of reproduction, sometimes and force premature breakdown of sows. The earlier we detect culvability, the the effect of therapy will
be better, that’s why it’s worth recalling attention to the developed by Brazilian scientists to quick detection of locomotion disorders.
Read more Standardization subjects u loch not is simple. How do they properly?
AI detects culavage
As reported by portal, in a study conducted by South American scientists took into attention group 500 mothers. For 9 days the scientists drew photograph and recordings video representing different forms of locomotion. After appropriate processing of these materials it successfully developed a computational model (with participation of deep learning technology), which allows to track the six key points of position and path of animals, a difference from the standard identifies as the possibility of occurrence. Precision system scientists estimated at 75 – 90 proc.
Improving good and productive performance
What importantly, system such in combination with appropriatetechnologies equipment (e.g. separation gates ) would allow in an automatic manner to select animals, in whom may have disorders of walk, a that from the course would allow the appropriately quickimplementationoftherapy.We hopethatthistechnologywillasquickestentercommercialuse,whenitwouldbenotonlyabigstepinimprovinganimal welfare,butalsoreducinglossesthatresultofculavage.