From 20 January the bonus program “Eplus” becomes one and operates not only in the stores “Euroopt”, but in the stores “Hit!”. Save and spend bonuses now you can in any of the networks.
Bonus program “Eplus” was launched more than 14 years back and operated in the network “Euroopt”. The program allows to accumulate bonuses for each purchase and use them in their next payments. Now bonuses on the cards “Eplus” can accumulate and customers stores “Hit!”. Repay bonuses for purchases can as in stores “Euroopt”, as and in stores “Hit!”.
These shoppers, who already have the Eplus card, additional to make any action is not necessary. To this card automatically now will accrue bonuses when purchasing in all “Hit!” stores. If even the customer doesn’t have an Eplus card, it can be formed free in the mobile application “Eplus” or purchased in any store “Euroopt” or “Hit!” only for only 99 pennies.
With sum of check up to 20 rubles you will be charged 0,5 bonus for each full ruble, A and when the sum of check of 20 rubles 1 bonus for each full ruble.
One bonus equals one kopeck – this makes the system of charging understandable and convenient for each purchaser. In addition, as in the stores “Euroopt”, so and in stores “Hit!” activate special activities, where for purchase determined goods can receive bonuses in size up to 40% of the cost of these goods. The system of accrual of bonuses on the cards “Eplus. Pension”, “Eplus. Dobryi Percent” “Eplus. Social” is slightly different. Detailed information is available.find out on the site eplus.by
The bonuses accumulated can be used to pay up to 99% of the cost of thenextpurchasesatEurooptandHit!”.All you need to do isjustsubmit yourEplus cardwhensettlingatthecashierandspecifyhow manybonusesyouwanttodraw.