
Biomethane plant and camps on 9500 stocks of cattle in Mazury. The residents of this investmentdo notwant

Biometanownia i obory na 9500 sztuk bydła na Mazurach. Mieszkańcy tej inwestycji nie chcą

On about 7 ha in the municipality Maldyty in ostróda county, in the province. Warmińsko-Mazurskie, a Warsaw company has decided to build a milk farm with a maximum occupancy 6889,98 DJP and affiliated with the biomethane plant with installed electric power 5MW, heat 6.25 MW and stream biomethane to 3200 Nm3/h. Inhabitants of Great Dwory, Połowit, Krek and Koszajn have protested against this investment for some months. Regional Directorate of Environment Protection in Olsztyn refused to issue conditions for implementation of the project.

Residents protested

Investors intended to locate the farm with biomethane plant on land in the locations Kady and Połowite, but they were opposed to those plans also by residents of neighboring villages: Great Dwory, Krek and Koszajn. Objectors of the investment formed a protest committee “Neighborhood without odor” and collected over sto signatures under a petition to the municipal authorities, that they would not agree to the intentions of investors. They enumerated in the arguments, which are in favor of such decision: great for Poland conditions industrial scale farms, subsistence small distance from homes, fumes and noise lowering comfort of living and value of real estate, plague of insects, inability to develop tourism and agrotourism, threat to land water and environment.

Bearing in mind, that the stock of animals would consist of adults and youth, on the farm there could be over 9 thousand thousand stocks of cattle. The scale of this investment magrifies, and we don’t live in China, after all. Thus, the nearest home would be a mere 210 m from this ferma and biomethane plant. No one we didn’t confess, that activity on such scale would have an impact on the environment – says Stanislaw Kosyl, appearing on the protesting residents.

As reports the Gazeta Olsztyńska, investors

had intention to start breeding cattle based on a stock of 2433 milk cows, along with rearing heifers and

bulls. RDOŚ calculated, that on this ferm there would be held total of 9541 stocks of cattle.

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Scale breeding and production

-.A farm on its own with such manpower would be to villagers in the neighborhood a nuisance because of foul odors, which cannot be avoided. And there are hectoliters of gnogas processed into biogas and tons of ferment. Substrate to installation there would also be taken, a export produced biomethane and waste. This

means not only stink, but and increased traffic of trucks – calculates a resident of municipality Maldyty.

Opponents also pointed out that the investor

in the report on the environment my statement, that in the area of the planned investment there are no species of protected animals.

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Turned sense of biogas plant

Regional Directorate of Environmental Protection in Olsztyn has divided the concerns of residents and decided to refuse to issue conditions to investors. In the justification she stated, that the subject investment “qualifies among projects likely to significantly affect the environment.” because the projected installation because of the type and scale of activity may “cause significant pollution of individual natural elements or the environment as a whole. and requires obtaining an integrated permit.” 

RDOŚ has however also added to the list of protesters other arguments against the investment. Before all they hit, that investors in the

planning “completely turned the sense of creating biogas plants”.

The climate-environmental goal is achieved then, when a biogas plant or biomethane plant is

constructed in neighborhoods of already farms of animal breeding and crops, for purpose of waste andTo generate from their biogas,

energy electric and heat. Creating a new industrial ferm cattle of such large scale, to ensure the profitability of the planned biomethane plant completely with energy transformation is passing.

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Doubtful cooperation, a creative impact

RDOŚ refutes also the arguments of investor who has indicated in the environmental report, that the location of biomethane plant results m.Among other things, from the possibility of obtaining raw materials from local farmers for the biogasification process. “However in this case the main supplier of products to the biogas plant will not be local farmers, a created by an investor industrial animal breeding at maximum management about. 9541 pc.” – states in the reasons for refusal of RDOŚ.

The office suggests therefore, that the investor “be guided not only by its interest, but also the good of people residing in the

neighborhood” and because of the too small distance of the planned facilities from the buildings has seeked

a different location, “in order not to deteriorate the quality of life of the people living there.”

“Implementation of the requested investment with certainty will change and deteriorate the current conditions of use of neighboring areas in sanitary terms. Oor may have negative impact on human health. It is a mixture of chemical compounds, which may cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the eye, nose and throat, spiration, pain headache, nausea, and in significant concentration intoxication of the organism.” – we read in the response, which RDOŚ in Olsztyn gave to investor.

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Residents are relieved

For the decision of the RDOŚ on

the location of the farm in the municipality Maldyty investors do not have a grievance, but they can

complain against the decision – reports Gazeta Morska, which has investigated this case. Mayor of Municipality Marcin Krajewski assured in regional media, that will represent the will and interests of municipality residents.

With my knowledge it appears, that the investor has abandoned its efforts after refusal of the RDOŚ. I opinion of RDOŚ with certainty do not intend to challenge – said in talk with nami Marcin  Krajewski.

While what we have recovered and we have hope, that this is the end of our battle, which has

continued since September ub. – speaks Stanislaw Kosyl.

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Whether this way to transformation?

We all think however, whether in

a moment there will be another investor. And we have one head, how it happened – says

Stanislaw Kosyl.

After all the transformation of energy that the European Union had to look totally different. All citizens were

to get the chance, to produce clean energy for the needs of their and their neighbors. Farmers had to

build in existingfarmssmallbiogas plants,whichwouldnothinderothers.Butapparentlyit came outlikealways… -quotesa residentof aMazurianvillage.








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