In 2024 year, Biedronka sales stood 70.4 percent of the group’s overall Jeronimo Martins against 70.2 percent year previously. The group expects to expect a difficult situation in the first half of 2025 year, but assures that stores are ready, to maintain competitiveness on price.
Revenues of group Jeronimo Martins, owner of Biedronka stores, in the 4 quarter of 2024 the year amounted 8.7 billion euros, they increased by 6.7 percent year. In the whole 2024 year revenue was 33.47 billion euro, which means increased by 9.3 percent. year
23.57 million euro revenue network Biedronka in 2024 year.
However revenues of network Biedronka in the IV quarter increased by 7.4 percent. rdr to 6.11 million euros, a in the whole 2024 year increased rdr by 9.6 proc. to 23.57 billion euros. Sales LFL declined in 2024 year by 0.3 percent.
In last year Biedronka opened 187 new stores (at including net 161). The modernization store program covered 280 locations. At the end 2024 year. Biedronka had 3 730 stores.
In 2024 year, Biedronka sales stood
70.4 percent. revenue of the whole group Jeronimo Martins against 70.2 proc.
year previously.
Financial Results Jeronimo Martins for 2024 year.
Chief Jeronimo Martins of the fierce competition in the market
“We expected a difficult year 2024, having a realization, that the fall inflation of food prices in combined with high inflation costs would lead to higher competition in markets, on which we operate, and increased pressure on our business.
In environment in which consumers have been cautious, all our brands have invested in their price positioning, offering the best saving opportunities, and also in improving the assortment, the purchasing experience and development, which resulted in opening a total of 386 new locations and conducting 366 modernizations.
I would like to publicly thank all our teams, which with extraordinary determination worked on increasing volume sales, overcoming the huge challenge, which was the repeat of the results achieved in the markets, in which we operate.
As we enter the year 2025, in the environment, which remains turbulent and uncertain, at least in the first half year, expect thatthebehaviorofconsumerswillcontinuetobe shapedbyprudence,acompetitionmarket.will remainveryfierce.
That’s whyweareprepared,to ensurecompetitivenesson price,whichstrengthensourmarket positions”-saysPresidentJeronimoMartinsPedroSoaresdosSantos.