The market is full of counterfeits from China of almost every possible product from renowned companies from many industries. The situation is no different among electronic devices intended for agriculture. Dramiński SA purchased counterfeits of its devices in order to bring consequences against their manufacturers and distributors, and at the same time demonstrate how these devices are built and how they work, and, as a result, why they are not worth the price.
The importance of grain moisture measurements
The moisture content of grain or seeds is one of the basic parameters enabling the determination of the correct harvest date, and then indicating the quality of stored agricultural produce and, possibly, the need to take intervention measures in the event of an increase in this parameter during storage. As the sale of grain and seeds is the primary source of income on many farms, it is easy to conclude that this depends to a large extent on the moisture meter, not only on the fact of its use, but also on the reliability of the results.
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Cereal blackness attacks earlier than last year
This reliability and precision of measurement is of great importance here, because every percentage point up or down is of great importance when measuring the moisture of agricultural produce. Unfortunately, as in the case of many other products, the market is flooded with ineffective copies from China, which are supposed to look like devices from renowned manufacturers, but are built "cheaply", so there is no chance of them working like those on which are patterned. We check below what it looks like in the case of moisture meters.
We compare the construction and operation of moisture meters
Dramiński, a Polish manufacturer of, among others, moisture meters, came to us with the problem of "counterfeits". Importantly, the company purchased devices that closely resembled its products, so we could look at their construction and operation, and thanks to the comparison of the auction from which the product was purchased with what actually arrived to the buyer, we see how a dishonest seller misleads the customer . The similarity of the product and the auction is an easy way to attract those who do not necessarily have knowledge about moisture meters, but simply saw such a device, e.g. at a friend's place, and wanting to buy something similar come across an extremely attractively priced offer of an almost identical-looking device.
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How much do grain moisture meters cost? How do they differ?
We asked the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection for an opinion on this matter. We asked what the requirements are for allowing electronic grain moisture meters to be sold in the European Union, whether a CE certificate, nameplate, manufacturer's marking, serial number and place of production are required? What can a manufacturer do if he suspects that someone is illegally copying his product and placing it on the market? What can a buyer do if the product delivered to him is different than the description of the auction through which the purchase was made? Is selling a product that is confusingly similar to a product of a well-known company, with a description copied almost word for word in the auction, intentionally misleading the buyer? No answer yet.
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