In order to attract the flow of shoppers Belkoopsoyuz is considering the opportunity to open PVZs Wildberries or Ozon in some rural stores. About this is reported by chairman of the department of Belkoopsoyuz Inessa Korotkevich, wrote Sputnik.
She reported that such posts are already operating. The Belkoopsoyuz network does calculate on that the customer will not only receive the order from the marketplace, but and buy something in the store. For example, it could be food food.
The network Belkoopsoyuz services 13 800 populated settlements, of which more than 5 thousands of up 10 people. Opening PVZs will allow to compensate the costs for the maintenance of stores and trucks, as. The previously proposed collection from retail to the rural trade decided not to introduce. Now there are other measures of support, including from the sides of the Rural Executive Committees. Some of the costs of fuel, renewal of the fleet of auto shops are also being compensated.
Inessa Korotkevich reported that in the last year Belkoopsoyuz opened 13 objectstrading,1515public cateringfacilitiesand50 more50tradingfacilitiesresumedtheirwork,55facilitiesweremodernized.