
Before the season it is worth renewing the training of protectionplants.

Przed sezonem warto odnowić szkolenie ze środków ochrony roślin
  • How long valid are the authorizations to perform treatments with applications of plant protection measures?
  • Where can find a list of entities allowing to conduct training?

Treatments can be performed after different training

Treatments Pesticides may be performed by persons, who have completed basic training in the application of plant protection or  training in in advice on measures for protection of plants. This is important, because though this is separate training, this is also and this in advice permits the conduct applications of protection. Frequently there have been suggestions about this because this second training was usually dedicated to such advisers in companies and vendors. Nevertheless taking participating in this course also acquires such qualifications. The third option, which gives us the green light to perform treatments, is participation in training in integrated plant production. In each case the document confirming the qualification is a certificate of completion of training. What however is important in the case

of counseling – providing such services you need to complete training specifically in this area, not enough there basic training. 

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After obtaining the certificate the property is valid for 5 years. Before the end of this period there should be conducted supplementary training. Renewal training through supplementary courses extends the right to perform procedures for the next 5


It is worth mentioning, that in the case of certificates issued among others. by secondary schools or universities, the

validity of the document is defined for the same time, after which then needs renewal

of authorizations. 

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How to find training on measures to protect plants?

In practice training basic is more extensive and takes usually 2 days. The supplementary course is shorter and is distributed in few hours. No matter whether we talk about basic or supplementary training, they end with one test. 

Register of entities, which conduct training (basic and supplementary) in the field of plant protection can be found on the website, among others. on the websites of the corresponding Provincial Inspectorate of Plant

Protection. Information of this can also be obtained at county units of this institution. 

Remember, that the certification allowing the

performance of treatments is the subject of inspections conducted by PIORiN. Inspectors will ask who performs

treatmentsandrequesttopresentdocumentconfirming eligibility.Forlackofappropriateauthorization(i.e.completionofbasic orsupplementary training)maybeimposedafine. 




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