– Value basket Fox.App has grown from 20 to 90 £ a service with ultraconvenience offer has changed in the mission of daily delivery, convenient shopping – says Michal Krowinski, co-founder Lisek.App. Now to the offer Lisek is introducing artisan baked goods . In Warsaw this is Vincent, in Cracow – Miejska Bakery, in Wroclaw – Chleboteka. a in Gdansk – Tomasz Deker.
What so happened in the market, that products from the artisan bakery have entered in the offer Lisek.App?
There appeared a customer, who seeks quality products, created with passion. Our role is to respond to this need.
Whether this means, that segment of consumers to which takes the fox.App does not submit to the popular need to save and seek low price?
This really means, that Fox responses to rationalizing shopping in time without the necessity of driving by car to the outskirts of city and scrolling the shelves and then cashing these at the self-service checkout. In Liscus we reverse the logic of shopping – products come to us after we mark it in the application. There is no need to happen after it. This is convincing to us consumers, who over years have expanded their baskets from 20 to 90 £, expanding their purchases from chips and carbonated beverages to their day-to-day, bigger grocery. Of course among our customers there is a group, for whom price
is a determinant of attractiveness of the product.
they also have a proposal, because extending the offer to the bakery Vincent doesn’t mean renouncing the standard offer of bread.
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Lisek.App: In over 1.5 years we have achieved that, which took Frisco 10 years
Has Frisco over years evolved from being ultraconvenience to being just comfortable?
It is possible yes to say so. WhenWe started in 2019 year we had in offer 300 products and the average basket was over 20 £. However suggesting customers other proposals it turned out that we had reached 2.5-2.7 thousands. products a basket suggests about 90 zlotys. In the baskets of shoppers there are kaisers, tomatoes, bananas or breasts of chicken. On this of course we don’t stop. All the time we are experimenting with the offer, and our goal is to increase it significantly.
This means, that on some day you will compete with Frisco.pl.
No we treat Frisco as our competitor, because on our purchases the customer doesn’t have to wait longer than 15 minutes. The saving time philosophy and convenience of such solution puts us in an different place. Additionally we level of turnover to which Frisco had achieved 10 years, we achieved in two years. Additionally in our opinion we are as the market on an upward wave, a e-grocery inPolandisacceleratingfromthepresent1-1.5percent.penetrationtolevels7-10proc.knownfromWesternmarkets(GermanorBritish).AbythatthemissionLiskadefinesbyreleasingtimeandgivingcomfortthatbelieves,thatitwillbeanincreasingmassneedforcustomersdoingtheirdayshopping.