A well-known German bike manufacturer – Sprick – has announced decline, which is a major cut for the industry. The proceeding includes not only the head company site in Germany, but also the Polish branch in Swiebodzin.
Bankruptcy Sprick Bikes – what further with the Polish factory?
The Regional Court in Green Gora has confirmed, that on 16 December 2024 year a application for bankruptcy of the Polish company Sprick Rowery Sp. with o.o.. This is another stage of financial problems of the company, which has for almost 100 years operated in the bike market and produces bikes under its own brands, as and on commission customers.
Poland factory in Swiebodzin, operating since 1993 year, specializes in assembling bikes on 7 production lines. The company’s offer included classic, electric, cross, MTB and children’s bikes.
Problems financial in Germany
Problems Sprick bikes are part of the company’s larger crisis. December 27 2024 year German company Sprick Cycle GmbH, along with holding Sprick Holding GmbH, announced collapse due to financial difficulties. The loss of 6 million euros per year has significantly deteriorated the condition of the company, which has made a large part of its production in Poland – writes Polish Observer.de.
Collaboration with Woom did not survive the company
Sprick Bikes was a prominent subcontractor of the well-known brand Woom, producing children’s bikes. In 2021 year the company started production on a wide scale, delivering 115 000 bikes, which accounted foralmost40%ofitsannualproduction.Despitethiscontractandmanyyearspresenceinthemarket,increasingfinancialproblemsledtobankruptcy.