
Bankruptcies of Polish companies. Trade is inthelead.

Upadłości polskich firm. Handel jest w czołówce

According to the latest analysis of MGBI, the courts in 2024 year announced 436 decisions about failure of enterprises. This is about 10% more than in 2023 year and almost 30% more than in 2022 year.

The difficult market conditions were most often not handled by firms from

industry, construction and trade.

Apocalypse in trade. Record number of

bankruptcies and failures

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Apocalypse in trade. Record

number of bankruptcies and failures

How many firms fall annually in Poland?

Furthermore, after a record increase in the number of openings of restructuring proceedings in 2023 year, there was another increase in 2024. This indicates the growing interest of entrepreneurs in this method of saving business and preventing insolvency.

Since pandemic 2020 year, when the number of companies completing activity was 547, the number of pronounced bankruptcies has not exceeded 400. In next years their number shaped as follows: 399 in 2021 year, 339 in 2022 year and 394 in 2023 year. The increase in 2024 year, to 436 decline, however, it close to the value of 2020 year, making the past year extremely difficult for Polish business.

– Of course it is difficult to compare 2024 year with 2020, when behind the pandemic we had to the law of disaster. Nevertheless, last year’s balance is extremely high. This was not only a surprising result, considering the number of entrepreneurs, with whom we talked about restructuring in the last year. The list of so-called factors of concern was successively added to other items. Declining demand, increasing costs of work, difficulties in obtaining external financing or prices of energy are universal challenges, as indicated by entrepreneurs from all industries. To this there were also new difficulties “industry” appropriate for specific branches of the economy, with special reference to transportation, construction or trade – interprets Sylwia Szerenos, advisor restructuring in Continuum Restructuring.

Continuum restructuring boom

Interest.Restructuring enterprises in 2024 year remained on an upward wave. As late in 2022 year the number of opened restructuring proceedings was 2200, after which their dynamic growth. In its effect in 2023 the year recorded 4149 started restructures, while in the minute year 4457. Growth was thus there 7% year/year.

Commerce vulnerable to bankruptcies

Analysis of the list of firms, of which bankruptcy was announced last year, allows to identify three dominant branches. Most enterprises, which ended their activity functioned in the sector industrial processing (106 failures). In the second place was the wholesale and retail (94) and the last most experienced through difficult and challenges market industry was construction (61).

– This statistic in a major degree corresponds to the conducted by us in last year restructuring processes. It is worth mentioning also about that in the fourth place of the MGBI set in terms of number of failures has included the transportation industry. It is this sector that dominates the list of clients of our law firm in 2024 years – adds Sylwia Szerenos of Continuum Restructuring.

If there are any companies, for which the restructuring proceedings wereinthepreviousyearthereisasure”reshuffling”regardingstatisticsoffailures.Onthefrontisthenthetradeindustry(941startedrestructuring),asthesecondclassifiedwastheconstructionindustry(688)andthethirdin terms ofnumberofstartedrestructuringwasthesectorindustrialprocessing(646).



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