The morning program of Radio Äripäev featured Priit Põldoja, head of the Inbank council, who believes that we will see several more interest rate cuts in the future, writes Delovye Vedomosti. Housing loan. Illustrative photo. Photo: Sander Ilvest
The morning program of Radio Äripäev featured Priit Põldoja, head of the Inbank council, who believes that we will see several more interest rate cuts in the future, writes Delovye Vedomosti.
“In fact, I think there will be more than two rate cuts (one has already happened in Europe – editor's note). Euribor is already below 3.5%, which means that in September there will be a rate reduction of at least 0.25 percent,” Põldoja said.
The banker noted that, in his opinion, the economic downturn and taxation do not go together. He also believes that instead of raising taxes, the state should take loans.
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