
Аврора среди лидеров рейтинга диджитализации бизнеса в Украине по версии Forbes

Аврора среди лидеров рейтинга диджитализации бизнеса в Украине по версии Forbes

The Multimarket Aurora has become one of the leaders in the introduction of digital technologies in business 2024 year. The study, conducted by Forbes Ukraine in cooperation with audit company KPMG in Ukraine, identified the most technologically advanced companies in the country in the “Champions of digitalization-2024” ranking.

The experts highly rated the level of digitalization of Aurora’s areas IT, manufacturing and sales, as well as marketing, finance, supply and NS.

The key achievements of the company include self-service cash registers in-house produced with integrated voice prompts developed by the internal team. Thanks to in-house development Aurora is able to improve functionality and adapt the system to new calls.

Also in stores network installed price-checkers in-house produced which allow customers to check the prices of goods, making the process of purchasing more comfortable and controlled.

“Our goal is continuous improvement: new versions of software and artificial intelligence capabilities, new platforms and new calls. We strive that our business will become the standard example that other companies are striving for,” says the IT-director of the network of multimarkets Aurora Oleg Umantsev.

The Aurora IT Department is comprised of 220 staff specialists who work together over the development of innovative solutions of the company. In 2025 the Company will continue to actively develop both traditional products – in the internal IT ecosystem of the Company, and offline stores, where will be moreMore self-service cashiers and price checkers. These products will acquire new functions, become more user-friendly, faster and efficient.

In addition, Aurora is actively working on optimizing the chain of the movement of goods, improving the quality of management of output, improving the system managing the goods flow.

An important direction of development remains electronic commerce. In companies continue to improve internet shop, to provide more comfortable and convenient service for customers.

Help. The Multimarket Aurora – Ukrainian company with direct foreign investments from the fund Horizon Capital,

whichistheleaderinthemarketofUkraineamongtheonedollarstore format.The networkdynamicallydevelopsandexpandsasinUkraine,asandabroad,countingtodayover16001600storesinUkraineandover30storesinRomania.


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