
“Avito Job”: in 2024 year actively searched for employees in the salessector

«Авито Работа»: в 2024 году активнее всего искали сотрудников в сфере продаж

Experts Avito Work have analyzed dynamics of the number of vacancies and average salary offers by spheres of activity. Analysts found out that the sales sector was the leader in growth of job offers by results 2024 year. In this industry employers placed by 46% more jobs than the year ear earlier. With this average salaries offered for new employees were 66 705 rubles in month (+14%).



So, in 2.7 times (+169%) demand for managers for business development has increased. Specialists with small experience work on this position offer on 16% more, than in last year – in average 69 698 rubles monthly. Also employers have become in 2 times (+99%) more active to seek managers for work with clients, a average salary offers increased by 20% and at starting positions were 52 205 rubles in month. Demand for realtors for a year increased by 81%. New employees are ready to offer on 6% more on compared with last year – 116 799 rubles in month.

Another one sphere with increased activity of renters – rural agriculture. The number of job openings for specialists in this area increased by

The third place in ranking on growth of the number of vacancies among employers shared by the domestic services and finance sphere. At the end of 2024 year the number of vacancies in

So, in the sphere of domestic services actively stalked to seek fuelers (+65%), and average salary offers for new employees increased by 16% and reached 46 607 rubles in month. The number of vacancies for washers has increased by 47% over the year. New employees were offered by 34%>more – 55 641 rubles monthly.

In the financial sector by 151% more higher vacancies for bank workers – in average new employees at starting positions are ready to offer 67 643 rubles in month. These specialists have salary offers for a year increased by 37%. Also by 58% more frequently employers started to seek employees for position economist (+58% of vacancies year to year). The average offered salary for beginning specialists with experience to 1-3 years was52 279 rublesin month,showinggrowthby 20%.

“AvitoWork:thehighestpaidindustryin 2024hasbeenthebuildingand repair

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